1. O aunt, we did not fear you
Until I was told yesterday what you said, that we should abandon him
١. يا خِلُّ ما كُنّا نَخافَكُمُ
حَتّى أُتِيتُ بِقَولِكُم أَمسِ
2. Do not do that, may my soul redeem you
By Allah, I shall not get angry with you
٢. أُخبِرتُ أَنَّكِ قُلتِ نَهجُرُهُ
لا تَفعَلِنَّ فَدَتكُمُ نَفسي
3. Until I am placed dead in my grave
Go back to the best relationship we used to have
٣. وَاللَه لا آتي لَكُم سَخطاً
حَتّى أُضَمَّنَ مَيِّتاً رَمسي
4. O the most beautiful of jinn and humans
You are the day, the heart craves, and love for you
٤. عُودي بِأَحسَنِ ما عُهِدتِ لَنا
يا أَحسَنَ الجِنانِ وَالإِنسِ
5. Never ceases, every time the evening comes
You have become an evening I wander with
٥. أَنتِ النَهارَ هَوى الفُؤادِ وَلا
يَنفَكُّ حُبُّكِ كُلَّما أُمسي
6. Amongst the people of the caves and sessions
If it wasn’t for what I got from you, we would have
٦. أَمسَيتِ لي شَجَناً أَهِيمُ بِهِ
مِن بَينِ أَهلِ الغَورِ وَالجَلسِ
7. Slipped away, and my stay in your land would have been brief
By Allah, I shall not forget her swinging walk
٧. لَولا الَّذي حُمِّلتُ مِنكِ لَقَد
زُلنا وَقَلَّ بِأَرضِكُم حَبسي
8. Wobbling between five young maidens
Like sheep walking through reedbeds
٨. وَاللَهِ لا أَنسى تَطَوُّفَها
تَهتَزُّ بَينَ كَواعِبٍ خَمسِ
9. And thickets and silent woodlands
Her face was like the full moon when she turned
٩. مِثلَ النِعاجِ يَمِسنَ في قَصَبٍ
وَدَمالجٍ وَخَلاخِلٍ خُرسِ
10. And when she smiled, you were like the sun
١٠. كَالبَدرِ صُورَتُها إِذا اِنتَقَبَت
وَإِذا أَسفَرتِ فَأَنتِ كَالشَمسِ