
The dwelling became desolate, so I listened,

أقوت تعرة فالإصغاء فالخال

1. The dwelling became desolate, so I listened,
Of the houses of Asma nothing left but traces and ruins.

١. أَقوَت تَعِرَّةُ فَالإِصغاءُ فَالخالُ
مِن آلِ أَسماءَ إِلّا النُؤىُ وَالآلُ

2. And rain washed away all tracks of the encampment,
Leaving only tent pegs like fiery stakes.

٢. وَغَيرُ هابٍ عَفاهُ القَطرُ مُلتَبِدٌ
لَهُ أَثافٍ صَلِينَ النارَ أَمثالُ

3. I stood there asking her about those I once knew,
While generations of men before me had asked the same.

٣. وَقَفتُ أَسألُها عَمَّن عَهِدتُ بِها
وَالناسُ قَبلي رِباعَ الناسِ قَد سالُوا

4. I weep and my companions rebuke me, but still
A stubborn heart prevails, and tears flow freely.

٤. أَبكى وَيَعذِلُني صَحبي وَيَغلِبُهُم
قَلبٌ لَجُوجٌ وَدَمعٌ فاضَ سَيّالُ

5. I said, since they blame me, I will withdraw from them,
For I speak truly of what they dislike.

٥. فَقُلتُ إِذ أَكثَرُوا الومى عدمتُهُمُ
إِنّي لِما كَرِهُوا مِن ذاكَ قَوّالُ

6. I was not the first seized by sorrow,
To weep in anguish over traces and ruins.

٦. ما كُنتُ أَوَّلَ مَن هاجَت لَهُ حَزَناً
حَتّى بَكى جَزَعاً رَسمٌ وَأَطلالُ

7. They blamed and spoke out, but I did as they did,
For they blamed my love for Asma, those blamers!

٧. لامُوا وَقالُوا وَما بالَيتُ ما فَعَلُوا
قَد لامَني في هَوى أَسماءَ عُذّالُ

8. Had they felt what I felt for Asma,
They too would have been distracted by love.

٨. لَو إِنَّهُم وَجَدُوا مِثلَ الَّذي وَجَدَت
نَفسي بِأَسماءَ فيما سَرَّني مالُوا

9. But they are rabble unable to understand,
While amongst people are thieves and bandits.

٩. لَكِنَّهُم عُزُفٌ ما إِن يَلِيقُ بِهِم
وَصلٌ وَفي الناسِ قُطّاعٌ وَوُصّالُ

10. She is like a shy gazelle, alluring,
Of soft glance and languid eyes.

١٠. كَأَنَّها ظَبيَةٌ حَوراءُ يَتبَعُها
رَخص الظلوف غَضيض الطَرف مِكسال

11. When she turns to rest behind her are men
Who will not leave her side.

١١. إِذا اِنثَنى لِمَقيلٍ خَلفَها نَكَصَت
حَتّى يَقومَ إِلَيها ذاكَ ما زالُوا

12. Smooth of cheek, dark-lipped, perfumed,
Her ankles without sound of bangles.

١٢. خُمصانَةٌ جائِلٌ رَودٌ مُوَشَّحُها
وَلا يَجُولُ لَها في الساقِ خِلخالُ