1. O that Layla had seen us undaunted
When we descended all together in the marketplace
١. يا لَيتَ لَيلى رَأَتنا غَيرَ جازِعَةٍ
لَمّا هَبَطنا جَمِيعاً أَبطَحَ السُوقِ
2. Baring our teeth, lips curled back
Like lions baring their fangs from their burrows
٢. وَكَشَرنا وَكُبُولُ القَينِ تَنكِبُنا
كَالأُسدِ تَكشِرُ عَن أَنيابِها الرُوقِ
3. We strode, the quick of the people passing their laden ones
With the gait of strong-boned, slender-bodied camels
٣. نَمشي يَفُوتُ مُخِفُّ القَومِ مَثقَلَهُم
مَشى الجِمالِ المَصاعِيبِ المَطارِيقِ
4. And the people in two groups, some full of rancorous hate
And some choking on tears of rage in their eyes
٤. وَالناسُ شَطرانِ مِن ذي بُغضَةٍ حَنِقٍ
وَمِن مَغيظٍ بِدَمعِ العَينِ مَخنُوقِ
5. They let out cries against us from every side
As though roused by the blast of a trumpet
٥. هُوَّوا لَنا زُمَراً مِن كُلِّ ناحِيَةٍ
كَأَنَّما فَزَعُوا مِن نَفخَةِ البُوقِ
6. And on the rooftops were effigies like corpses
Weeping the wailing of passion not yet tasted
٦. وَفي السُطُوحِ كَأَمثالِ الدُمى خُرُدٌ
يَبكِينَ عَولَةَ وَجدٍ غَيرِ مَمذُوقِ
7. From every broadcaster a branch to see us
And scattered greenery not yet dispersed
٧. مِن كُلِّ ناشِرَةٍ فَرعاً لِرُؤيَتِنا
وَمَفرَقاً ذا نَباتٍ غَيرِ مَفرُوقِ
8. Striking hot faces untouched
By the winds of poison or the suns of daybreak
٨. يَضرِبنَ حُرَّ وُجُوهٍ لا يُلَوِّحُها
لَفحُ السُمُومِ وَلا شَمسُ المَشارِيق
9. Their necks craning as if from goblets tipped back
Of the drinks being passed around those pitchers
٩. كَأَنَّ أَعناقَهُنَّ التُلعَ مُشرِفَةً
مِمّا يُحَلَّقُ مِن تِلكَ الأَبارِيقِ
10. Until we reached a frowning Dowjah sitting
Having left the people of God's house in distress
١٠. حَتّى اِنتَهَت إِلى دَعجاءَ جالِسَةٍ
قَد تَرَكَت أَهلَ بَيتِ اللَهِ في ضِيقِ
11. Spitting saliva from her mouth when she spoke
As though she had chewed the bitter colocynth
١١. تُنَضِّحُ الرِيقَ مِن فِيها إِذا نَطَقَت
كَأَنَّما مَضَغَت عِلكَ الذَعاليقِ