
O you who reproach me today, do not reproach,

يا عاذلي اليوم لا تعذلا

1. O you who reproach me today, do not reproach,
For tomorrow I will be gone.

١. يا عاذِليَّ اليَومَ لا تَعذُلا
رُوحا فَإني مِن غَدٍ مُغتَدِ

2. If God wills it, then be gone,
You will not accompany me to the final resting place.

٢. إِن شاءَ ذاكَ اللَهُ ثُمَّ إِذهَبا
لَن تَصحباني آخِرَ المُسنَد

3. The finder does not desire a brother like me,
When the brother of the finder does not bring joy.

٣. لا يَبتَغي الواجِدُ مِثلي أَخاً
إِذا أَخُو الواجِدِ لَم يُسعِدِ

4. In sorrow, if a young man's sorrow passes him by,
And the man's companion is with him, imitated.

٤. في الحُزنِ إِن نابَ الفَتى حُزنُهُ
وَصاحِبُ المَرءِ بِهِ مُقتَدِ

5. It reminds me of a painful, sad time,
That did not cease to trouble my life, so I did not rest,

٥. ذَكَّرَني قَرناً وَخَيماً بِهِ
مازَلَّ مِن عَيشي فَلَم أَرقُدِ

6. Except a little - would that it had not been
Anything - like the sleep of the anxious insomniac.

٦. إِلّا قَليلاً لَيتَهُ لَم يَكُن
شَيئاً كَنَومِ الخائِفِ الأَرمَدِ

7. The abode of the living through it is ruined,
Except the courtyards and fireplaces.

٧. وَمَنزِلُ الحَيِّ بِهِ قَد عَفا
إِلّا مَخَطَّ النُؤى وَالمَوقِدِ

8. By the valley with the torrent whose flood
Flows behind the blackened hills,

٨. بِالشِعبِ ذي الماءِ الَّذي سَيلُهُ
يَسلُكُ خَلفِ الظَرِبِ الأَسوَد

9. On the right of the one who passed by it accusing
And on the left of the resolute seated one,

٩. يَمينَ مَن مَرَّ بِهِ مُتهِماً
وَعَن يَسارِ الجالِسِ المُنجِد

10. When we were two captives of youth and desire
Never ending from me and from Asma.

١٠. إِذ نَحنُ أخدانُ الصِبا وَالهَوى
مِنّي وَمِن أَسماءَ لَم يَنفَد

11. I suffer the night as if I were in it
An observer lying in wait in an observatory.

١١. أَكابِدُ اللَيلَ كَأَنّي بِهِ
مُحتَبِلٌ يَرصُدُ في مَرصَدِ

12. And the gathering of the women after the wine vessels
In a garden with thickets of reeds,

١٢. وَمَجلِسُ النُسوَةِ بَعدَ الكَرى
في رَوضَةٍ ذاتِ أَقاحٍ نَد

13. They went out walking together gently
Walking with the gait of an oryx to the trysting-place

١٣. خَرَجنَ يَمشينَ مَعاً موهِناً
مَشيَ مَها الرَملِ إِلى مَوعِدِ

14. From me and from them, and drowsiness has closed
Our eyes from the envious spying.

١٤. مِنّي وَمِنهُنَّ وَقَد نَوَّمَت
عَنّا عُيُونُ الكُشَّحِ الحُسَّد

15. Among them a beauty whose form
Is like the full moon joined with good fortune,

١٥. فِيهنَّ حَوراءُ لَها صُورَةٌ
كَالبَدرِ قَد قارَنَ بِالأَسعُدِ

16. Swaying of leg, graced,
Like a branch leaning and not yet ripe.

١٦. مَمكُورَةُ الساقَين رُعبُوبَةٌ
كَالغُصنِ قَد مالَ وَلَم يُخضَدِ