1. Her words are the finest thing
A land that enveloped a beloved
١. قَولُها أَحسَنُ شَيءٍ
بَلَدٌ لَفَّ حَبيبا
2. And the heart's cure comes from her
When we had a tryst at the sand dune
٢. وَشِفاءُ القَلبِ مِنها
إِذ تَواعَدنا الكَثِيبا
3. Oh sickness and lovesickness
That comes close when evening descends
٣. نَأَيُّها سُقمٌ وَأَش
تاقُ إِذا أَمسَت قَرِيبا
4. If only this night would last a month
In which we see no stranger
٤. لَيتَ هَذا اللَيلَ شَهرٌ
لا نَرى فيهِ غَريبا
5. A moonlit night that hid from us
One whom we wished would be hidden
٥. مُقمِرٌ غَيَّبَ عَنّا
مَن أَرَدنا أَن يَغيبا
6. Except for Asma and Jumail
Then we fear no watcher
٦. غَيرَ أَسماءَ وَجُملٍ
ثُمَّ لا نَخشى رَقيبا
7. She sat in a gathering of sincerity
Bringing together beauty and goodness
٧. جَلَسَت مَجلسَ صِدقٍ
جَمَعَت حُسناً وَطِيبا
8. A seat and stepping place
Watered with abundant rain
٨. دَمِثَ المَقعَدِ وَالمَو
طِئِ رَيّانَ خَصِيبا
9. She poured into it the Pleiades
From a bucket filled to the brim
٩. أَفرَغَت فيهِ الثُرَيّا
مَن ذَرى الدَلوِ سُكُوبا
10. Binding the planted crop
Along with the crop, clay jugs
١٠. عاصِباً بِالنَبتِ زُرعاً
وَمَعَ الزَرعِ قُضُوبا
11. Her words to me as she sheds
The tears of her eyes at sunset
١١. قَولَها لِي وَهِيَ تُذرى
دَمعَ عَينَيها غُرُوبا
12. We used to be like this
The most sincere of people
١٢. إِنَّنا كُنا كَهَذا
أَنصَحَ الناسِ جُيُوبا
13. And we loved him with affection
Untainted by us
١٣. وَحَبَوناهُ بِوُدٍّ
لَم يَكُن مِنّا مَشُوبا
14. So suffice it for us to praise
His love that it not wane
١٤. فَجَزانا أَن حَمَدنا
وُدَّهُ أَن لا يَغيبا
15. And suffice it for us today as disgrace
When he is hostile and full of faults
١٥. وَجَزانا اليَومَ عاراً
حِينَ يُنثا وَعُيُوبا