1. He who finds no end to his passion for her
Cares not if she obeys or defies him
١. مَن لِنَفسٍ عَنِ الهَوى لا تَناهى
لا تُبالي أَطاعَها أَم عَصاها
2. My advice about love is sincere yet I fear
That blind passion might lead her astray
٢. عاذِلٌ في الهَوى بِنُصحٍ وَيَخشى
أَن يَسُوقُ الرَدى إِلَيها هَواها
3. Were he afflicted as she is with pangs of love
He'd not blame her, heedless of his own woe
٣. لَو بِهِ ما بِها مِن الوَجدِ لَم يَن
هَ مُحِبّاً وَلم يُبالِ بَلاها
4. The fever of love for Uthman's daughter gnawed at him
As he helplessly yearned for her embrace
٤. خامَرَت مِن هَوى عَثيمَةَ داءً
مُستَكِنّاً لِحُبِّها أَذواها
5. Then he said: I'll defy you for her sake, though you object
Just as she defied me and forgot our bond
٥. ثُمَّ قالَت لَهُ سَأَعصيكَ فيها راغِماً
مِثلَما عَصَتني نِساها
6. Wherever she is, cease your blame and reproach
She's the daughter of honored white forebears
٦. إِنَّها حَيثُ ما تَكُونُ مِن الأَر
ضِ فَغُضَّ المَلامَ فيها مُناها
7. The child of a king who attained the heights of glory
Whose lineage noble Hashim and Abd Shams endow
٧. إِنَّها بِنتُ كُلِّ أَبيَضَ قَرمٍ
مَلِكٍ نالَ مِن قُصَىٍّ ذُراها
8. The ladies cannot equal her, strive as they may
For no maiden rivals her splendor and fame
٨. وَبَنى المَجدَ صاعِداً فَعَلتهُ
عَبدُ شَمسٍ وَهاشِمٌ أَبواها
9. She's no mere beauty, for the noblest of women
Resemble her, as people well know
٩. فَهِيَ لا تُدرِكُ النِساءُ بِسَعيٍ
أَبَداً حِينَ يَفخرُونَ مَداها
10. Her mother is Badr's radiant orb, mother of the moist night
Whose hands grasp all that lies beyond reach
١٠. لَسنَ حُوراً عَقائِلاً هُنَّ مِنها
إِنَّ في الناسِ فَاعلَمُوا أَشباها
11. Uthman and Zubayr rightly made her abode
At Al-Yafa when she was born
١١. أُمُّها البَدرُ أُمُّ أَروى فَنالَت
كُلَّ ما يُعجِزُ الأَكُفَّ يَداها
12. The Prophet, Hamza, her uncles by blood
Headed her pure lineage, untainted at all
١٢. إِنَّ عُثمانَ وَالزُبَيرَ أَحَلّا
دارَها بِاليَفاعِ إِذ وَلَداها
13. She sprouted midst the stars in Ramla's sand
Where the dead are revived by her earth's scent
١٣. وَنَبِيُّ الهُدى وَحَمزَةُ إِبدأ
بِهِما إِذ نَسَبتَها خالاها
14. From holy ground 'twixt Maqam and Rukn
God perfected her essence when formed
١٤. نَبَتَت في نُجومِ رَبوَةِ رَملٍ
يُنشَرُ المَيتُ إِن يَشُمَّ ثَراها
15. Her lineage leads to Qusay, her ancestry pure
No clay of cities did taint her, no evil assail
١٥. مِن تُرابٍ بَينَ المَقامِ إِلى الرُك
نِ بَراها إِلالهُ حِينَ بَراها
16. Qusay warded off every foe from her
Banishing them, removing their blight
١٦. قُصَوىٌّ مِنهُ قُصيٌّ وَلَم يَخ
لُطهُ طِينُ القُرى وَلا أَكباها
17. With horsemen and litters none in Quraysh knew
When he came for her, seeking her out
١٧. ذَبَّ عَنها قُصَيٌّ كُلَّ عَدُوٍّ
فَنَفاهُ وَجُرهُماً أَجلاها
18. In covered howdahs like mountains, a man
Whose spear's length struck fear without bound
١٨. سارَ بِالخَيلِ وَالحُمُولِ فَلَم تَع
لَم قُرَيشٌ بِذاكَ حِينَ أَتاها
19. Quraysh circled around him but when
They saw him they did not doubt his claim
١٩. في كَراديسَ كَالجِبالِ وَرَجلٍ
يُفزِعُ الأَخشَبَينِ طُولُ قَناها
20. Mecca the Holy knew Qusay, and Qusay
Knew Quraysh when he sought her hand
٢٠. فَتَمارَت بِهِ قُرَيشٌ فَلَمّا
أَن رَأَت لَم تَشُكَّ فيهِ لِواها
21. He lodged the people in her outskirts
And took the choice lands for himself
٢١. عَرَفَت مَكَّةُ الحَرامُ قُصَيّاً
وَقُصَيٌّ قُرَيشَ إِذ بَوّاها
22. They built by the ravines, far from her home
While torrents from his home poured forth
٢٢. أَنزلَ الناسَ بِالظَواهِرِ مِنها
وَتَبَوّا لِنَفسِهِ بَطحاها
23. None can equal Qusay's glory, else Allah
Has lied about all who vie with her
٢٣. وَابتنوا بِالشِعابِ وَالحَزنِ مِنها
وَتَفَجّا عَن بَيتِهِ سَيلاها
24. By the girl's lineage, Qusay is close to glory
If her protectors judge rightly for her
٢٤. لَن تُمارى قُصَيُّ في المَجدِ إِلّا
أَكذَبَ اللَهُ كُلَّ مَن ماراها
25. Among them is the good Prophet, guided by Allah
To every door of virtue, whom He led
٢٥. وَبِحَسبِ الفَتاةِ قُرباً مِنَ المَج
دِ قُصَيٌّ إِن يَعدِلُوا مَولاها
26. He spared them from fire when it raged
Eager to consume them, guarding his folk
٢٦. مِنهُمُ الطَيِّبُ النَبيُّ بِهِ اللَ
هُ إِلى بابِ كُلِّ خَيرٍ هَداها
27. Custodians of his house after him
To whom he entrusted the pilgrims' rites
٢٧. بَرَّدَ النارَ عَنهُمُ حِينَ فارَت
تَرتَجي أَكلَهُم وَأَحمى حِماها
28. He was succeeded by others, appointed by
Our Lord Allah, who created her line
٢٨. ثُمَّ حُجّابُ بَيتِهِ بَعدُ مِنهُم
وَحِياضَ الحَجيجِ قَد وَلّاها
٢٩. ثُمَّ وَلّى وَلَن يَزالوا وُلاةً
رَبُّنا اللَهُ خَلقَهُ خُلفاها