
The abode has become desolate after bounties,

أصبح الخيف بعد نعم خواء

1. The abode has become desolate after bounties,
Barren, desolate, empty.

١. أَصبَحَ الخَيفُ بَعدَ نُعمٍ خَواءً
فَثَبيرٌ فَبَلدَحٌ فَحِراءُ

2. Her home has become a month's journey,
That is an affliction and grief for the heart.

٢. أَصبَحَت دارُها مَسيرةَ شَهرٍ
ذاكَ لِلقَلبِ فِتنَةٌ وَعَناءُ

3. They have preferred others over me as merchandise,
So they sold me. Where is loyalty to me?

٣. وَأَستَحَبُّوا دُوني البِلاط فَسَلعاً
فَقُباءً وَأَينَ مِنّي قُباءُ

4. If only bounties had brought today a home close by,
I wonder, is this total estrangement?

٤. لَيتَ نُعماً دَنَت بِها اليَومَ دارٌ
لَيتَ شِعري أَكلُّ هذا جَفاءُ

5. When she turned away and was aloof,
By God, that was misery for the heart.

٥. فَلَقَد قُلتُ إِذ تَوَلَّت وَصَدَّت
ذاكَ وَاللَهِ لِلفُؤادِ شَقاءُ

6. O bounties, you have brought me misery,
Wretched is the fate of estrangement from the generous one.

٦. أَنتِ يا نُعمُ شَقوَةٌ عَرَضَت لِي
بِئسَ حَظّاً مِنَ الكَريمِ الشَقاءُ