
That is my betrothed blaming me during discord

تلك عرسي تلومني في التصابي

1. That is my betrothed blaming me during discord
My hearing is weary and her blame does not cease

١. تِلكَ عِرسِي تَلُومُني في التَصابي
مَلَّ سَمعي وَما تَمَلُّ عِتابي

2. She became estranged with blame, claiming that
My gray hair appeared though my youth has passed

٢. أَهجَرَت في المَلامِ تَزعمُ أَنّي
لاحَ شَيبي وَقَد تَوَلّى شَبابي

3. When she saw some gray strands, she openly
Rebuked me in my graying hair like a shooting star

٣. أَن رَأَت رَوعَةً مِنَ الشَيبِ صارَت
في قذالي مُبِينَةً كِالشِهابِ

4. Under a night with a blazing clenched hand
I sought refuge in a cloud's edge for shelter

٤. تَحتَ لَيلٍ بِكَفٍّ قابِسِ نارٍ
إِعتَشاها بِعارِضٍ مِن سَحابِ

5. I said wait, you know my refusal of you
And you know my answer, and my graying is no deterrent

٥. قُلتُ مَهلاً فَقَد عَلِمتِ إِبائِي
مِنكِ هَذا وَقَد عَلِمت جَوابي

6. From seeking passions, though gray strands appeared and kohl faded away
And riding when the coward curled up

٦. لَيسَ ناهِيَّ عَن طِلابِ الغَواني
وَخطُ شَيبٍ بَدا وَدِرسُ خِضابِ

7. Apart from his betrothed in clothes
I carry the sword above the pink rosebud

٧. وَرُكُوبٌ إِذا الجَبانُ تَطَوّى
فَرَقاً عِندَ عِرسِهِ في الثِيابِ

8. As if it is the master of the forest
I face horror in battles, my feet

٨. أَحمِلُ السَيفَ فَوقَ أَقرَح وَردٍ
ذي حُجُولٍ كَأَنَّهُ سِيدُ غابِ

9. Faced horror, the passionate one in fights
O palace of porches and gardens

٩. أَجشَمُ الهَولَ في الكَعابِ وَقِدماً
جَشِمَ الهَولَ ذُو الهَوى في الكَعابِ

10. Among palaces atop the hills
God distinguished you with construction

١٠. أَيُّها القَصرُ ذُو الأَواسِيِّ وَالبُس
تانِ بَينَ القُصُورِ فَوقَ الظِرابِ

11. And the King protected you from destruction
I and the stirrers with a group

١١. خَصَّكَ اللَهُ بِالعِمارَةِ مِنهُ
وَوَقاكَ المَليكُ وَشكَ الخَرابِ

12. And the movers behind them with barriers
I will not abandon you as long as I live in my love

١٢. إِنَّني وَالمُجَمِّرِينَ بِجَمعٍ
وَالمُنيخِينَ خَلفَهُم بِالحِصابِ

13. Or the color of the raven changes
The caring guardian protects it

١٣. لَم أَحُل عَنكَ ما حَيِيتُ بِوُدّي
أَبَداً أَو يَحُولَ لَونُ الغُرابِ

14. Having taken over the keys to the doors
With battlements like the pillar of a mountain

١٤. دَونَها الحارِسُ الشَفِيقُ عَلَيها
قَد تَولّى مَفاتِحَ الأَبوابِ

15. With niches and the prayer nook immersed
And I climbed up to it with ropes

١٥. بِمُنيفٍ كَأَنَّهُ رُكنُ طَودٍ
ذي أَواسٍ مُطَمَّرِ المِحرابِ

16. After the guards were done and inattentive
She rewarded me for what I did with fine reward

١٦. وَتَرَقَّيتُ بِالحِبالِ إِلَيها
بَعدَ هَدءٍ وَغَفلَةِ البَوّابِ

17. I was deserving of that reward
With an embrace despite fearing the eyes

١٧. فَجَزَتني بِما عَمِلتُ ثَواباً
حَسَناً كُنتُ أَهلَ ذاكَ الثَوابِ

18. That glanced at us and angry people

١٨. إِعتِناقاً عَلى مَخافَةِ عَينٍ
قَد رُمِقنا بِها وَقَومٍ غِضابِ