1. Where are the words you once said to me, where are they now?
Where is the truth of the promises made between us?
١. أَينَ ما قُلتِ مُتُّ قَبلَكَ أَينا
أَينَ تَصدِيقُ ما عَهِدتِ إِلَينا
2. For I feared you would turn away from love,
And break apart what was once joined between us.
٢. فَلَقَد خِفتُ مِنكِ أَن تَصرِمي الحَب
لَ وَأَن تُجمِعي مَعَ الصَرمِ بَينا
3. What can be said of a man in love, consumed with passion,
For one who cannot be swayed by ignorance or disdain?
٣. ما تَقُولِينَ في فَتىً هامَ إِذ ها
مَ بِمَن لا يُنالُ جَهلاً وَمَينا
4. Let there be justice between us, do not twist the truth,
Nor allow it to be twisted regarding us.
٤. فَاِجعَلي بَيننا وَبَينَكِ عَدلاً
لا تَحِيفي وَلا يَحِيفُ عَلَينا
5. Know that in judgment there are witnesses,
Or an oath - so bring forth our witnesses.
٥. وَاعلَمي أَنَّ في القَضاءِ شُهُوداً
أَو يَميناً فَأَحضري شاهِدَينا
6. My darling, if I could have from you what
You told me in private when we were together,
٦. خُلّتي لَو قَدَرتُ مِنكِ عَلى ما
قُلتِ لي في الخَلاءِ حِينَ التَقَينا
7. I would not be ashamed before God of spilling my blood,
Even if I was present at the battle of Hunayn.
٧. ما تَحَرَّجتِ مِن دَمي عَلِمَ الل
هُ وَلَو كُنتُ قَد شَهِدتُ حُنَينا