
Layla sent a messenger that I stay aloof,

لقد أرسلت ليلى رسولا بأن أقم

1. Layla sent a messenger that I stay aloof,
And not go near you all, that is best to do,

١. لَقَد أَرسَلَت لَيلى رَسُولاً بِأَن أَقمِ
وَلا تَقرَبَنّا فَالتَجَنُّبُ أَمثَلُ

2. Lest prying eyes watch our love,
And belie us or in slumber miss the clue.

٢. لَعَلَّ العُيُونَ الرامِقات لِوُدِّنا
تُكَذَّبُ عَنّا أَو تَنامُ فَتُغفَلُ

3. Some we trusted, to whom our secret we told,
When from them our love we hid, turned disloyal,

٣. أُناسٌ امِنّاهُم فَنَثُّوا حَدِيثَنا
فَلَمّا كَتَمنا السِرَّ عَنهُم تَقَوَّلُوا

4. Not one of them the covenant upheld,
Nor tried, when they sought to break with us, gentler style.

٤. فَما حَفظُوا العَهدَ الَّذي كانَ بَينَنا
وَلا حِينَ هَمُّوا بِالقَطيعَةِ أَجمَلُوا

For women gossiped that to our vows we were fast bound,-

٥. فَإِن نِساءً قَد تَحَدَّثنَ أَنَّنا
عَلى عَهدِنا وَالعَهدُ إِن دامَ أَجمَلُ

6. Yet such vows, if prolonged, turn interest cold.
Then I said, when my land seemed to me too strait around:

٦. فَقُلت وَقَد ضاقَت بِلادي برُحبِها
عَلَيَّ لَما قَد قِيلَ وَالعَينُ تَهمِلُ

7. I am pressed by what is told; though eyes may getting old.

٧. سَأَجتَنِبُ الدارَ الَّتي أنتُمُ بِها
وَلَكنَّ طَرفي نَحوَها سَوفَ يَعمَلُ

8. Your abode I shall shun, I said, yet my eyes thereto bend,
Know you not my profit lies with you, nor what love I spend?

٨. أَلم تَعلَمي أَني وَهَل نافِعي
لَدَيكِ وَما أُخفي مِن الوَجد فصَلُ

9. I seem to turn straight eyes, but turn them not, on other men,
And if my eyes turn elsewhere, twisted are they then.

٩. أُرى مُستَقيم الطَرفِ ما الطَرفُ أَمَّكُم
وَإِن أَمَّ طَرفي غَيرَكُم فَهوَ أَحوَلُ

10. True are lovers whose love decay and time rend;
And my love in heart's core folded lies secret and sched.

١٠. صَحاحُبُّ مَن يَهوى وَأَخلَقَهُ البِلى
وَحُبُّكِ في مَكنُونِ قَلبي مُطَّللُ

11. I have told what widespread rumour widened and said,
And most of it in my breast bundled lies hid and read.

١١. وَبُحتُ بِما قَد وَسَّعَ الناسُ ذِكرَهُ
وَأَكثَرُهُ في الصَدرِ مِنيِّ مُزَمَّلُ

12. I told only that I forgot; lovers in image dwell
Of those they love, and after that fashion I as well.

١٢. وَما بُحتُ إِلّا أَن نَسِيتُ وَإِنَّما
بِهِ كُلُّ مَن يَهوى هَوىً يَتَمَثَّلُ

13. So bar me not, nor long delay around me cast,
Shall I from land I love be prisoned and passed?

١٣. فَلا تُجمِعي أَن تَحبِسيني وَتمطلي
أَأُححبَس عَن أَرضي هُديتِ وَأُمطَلُ

14. No visit of yours can I see in my place;
I am not one banned in despair to move or race.

١٤. فَإِنَّ ثَوائي عِندَكُم لا أَزوُرُكُم
وَلا أَنا مَردُودٌ بِيَأسٍ مُزَحَّلُ

15. No captive I in promise that I stay and bide,
Nor banned and despairing again afar to ride,

١٥. وَلا أَنا مَحبُوسٌ لِوَعدٍ فَأَرتَجي
وَلا أَنا مَردُودٌ بِيَأسٍ فَأَرحَلُ

16. Like a hunter who eyes in the plain his game,
Now circles near, while it is he weaponless and lame,

١٦. كَمُقتَنِصٍ صَيداً يَراهُ بِعَينِهِ
يُطيفُ بِهِ مِن قُر بِهِ وَهُوَ أَعزَلُ

17. Like a man at the pool the noon sun makes sick and burn,
He seeks the shade, but shade he finds not, nor place to turn.

١٧. وَمُمتَرِسٍ بِالماءِ أَحرَقَهُ الظَما
تَحَلّا فَلا يَندى وَلا هُوَ مُمَثَلُ

18. In these fortunes the soul its death and life may scan,
And which of the two roads to death for it easier ran.

١٨. فَفِي بَعضِ هَذا اليضوم لِلنَّفسِ بَينُها
وَأَيُّ طَريقَيها إِلى المَوتِ أَسهَلُ

19. Shall I bear the hurt wherewith you my peace disturb and mar,
So you may destroy me, or dwell untroubled thus far?

١٩. أَتَصدُرُ بِالداءِ الَّذي وَرَدَت بِهِ
فَتَهلكُ أَم تَثوي كَذا لا تُنَوَّلُ

20. How many a long night whose darkness like dankness spread,
The morning wind scattered, dripped and over us shed,

٢٠. وَكَم لَيلَةٍ طَخياءَ ساقِطَةِ الدُجى
تَهِبُّ الصَبا فيها مِراراً وَتَشملُ

21. As if the bursten pipe what it gushed and blew
On earth's face a pebbled and foreign grain bestrew!

٢١. كَأَنَّ سَقِيطَ الثَلجِ ما حَصَّبَت بِهِ
عَلى الأَرضِ عَصب أَو دَقيقٌ مُغَربَلُ

22. For love of you perils and night raid I sped,
By love of you to you with sword terror led.

٢٢. لِحُبِّكِ أُسريها وَحُبُّكِ قادَني
إِلَيكِ مَع الأَهوالِ وَالسَيفُ مُخضِلُ

23. I rode thereto a steed like tower wind could but stem,
A firm and round-backed steed, when the waterRaft stampede.

٢٣. رَكِبتُ لَها طِرفاً جَواداً كَأَنَّهُ
إِذا خَبَّ سِرحانُ المَلا حِينَ يَعسِلُ

24. Stiff of shoulder, you think its back the crowbars cleave,
From its flanks the millstones with their rumbling roll and heave.

٢٤. أَقَبُّ شَديدُ الصُلبِ تَحسِبُ مَتنَهُ
يُفَرّجُ عَنهُ بِالحَيازِيمِ مُجفِلُ

25. Down its forehead the forelock drips; from the vein's gate
Its tendons start, and neck bones swell articulate.

٢٥. لَهُ ثَرَّةٌ تَنهَلُّ مِن جَوفِ رَأسِهِ
تَكاد لَها مِنهُ العُرُوقُ تَبَزَّلُ

26. Like a wall whose clay the rain's flood crumbled and drove
With bricks well baked in order bound and grove.

٢٦. كَما انهَدَّ جَدرٌ مائِلٌ كانَ حَشوَهُ
مَعَ الآجُرِ المَطبُوخِ شِيدٌ وَجَندَلُ

27. A chestnut-bay the rider tries, and it paces proud, nibbling sweet,
While he strokes it, by its docile tameness fain and fleet.

٢٧. قَرُوصٌ عَلى الآرِيِّ لِلسائِسِ الَّذي
يُطِيفُ بِهِ مُستَأنِسٌ مَتَأكِّلُ

28. Proud of neck, and fine of coat, it tasted not iron in heat,
Nor watched night the while for it saddle and breastplate meet.

٢٨. نَشِيطٌ وَلَم يُخلَق صَوُولاً كَأَنَّهُ
بِهِ مازِحٌ لِعّابُهُ يَتَبَطَّلُ

29. If horses fail of men's hardness and their toils to greet,
Then their rider against war's brunt mailed is complete.

٢٩. عَرِيض الوَظيفِ مُكرَبُ القَصِّ لَم يَذُق
حَديداً وَلَم يَسهَر لَهُ اللَيل أَبجَلُ

30. As we circle, lofty its mien seems to display
A grandeur, as of a king in his pride and sway.

٣٠. إِذا لَم تُطِق خَيلٌ أَداةَ رِجالِها
فَفارِسُهُ مِن شِكَّةِ الحَربِ مُكملُ

31. It agrees with its fashioning, and is stablished at rest,
Pleased with its making, like He who made it, blest.

٣١. كَأَنّا نُداري حِينَ نَسرُو جِلالُهُ
بِهِ مَلِكاً مِن عِزَّةٍ يَتَخَيُّلُ

32. On its like did Layla and her family press,
Death drew nigh them, but God gives aid and redress!

٣٢. وَيَرضى بَصِيرٌ خَلقَهُ وَهوَ مُدبِرٌ
كَما هُوَ راضٍ خَلقَهُ وَهُوَ مُقبِلُ

٣٣. عَلى مِثلِهِ أَنتابُ لَيلى وَأَهلَها
وَآتى الوَغى وَاللَهُ يَكفي وَيَحمِلُ