1. O quarter that has seen its people leave,
And become empty and desolate without inhabitants,
١. أَلا أَيُّها الرَبعُ الَّذي خَفَّ أَهلُهُ
وَأَمسى خَلاءً مُوحِشاً غَيرَ آهِلِ
2. Are you a refuge? Where are your people of passion?
You know, even if silent to the questioner,
٢. هَلَ أَنتَ مُنَبّى أَينَ أَهلُكَ ذا هَوى
وَأَنتَ خَبيرٌ لَو نَطَقتَ لِسائِلِ
3. Did they travel to exhibit themselves? Or set out for war?
Woe to you! Or have they moved on to other dwellings?
٣. لِعِرّانَ سارُوا أَم لِحَربٍ تَيَمَّمُوا
لَكَ الوَيلُ أَم حَلُّوُا بِقَرنِ المَنازِلِ
4. To which of God's lands have they moved? For I
Am still a shepherd to the mixed common folk.
٤. وَأَيَّ بِلادِ اللَهِ حَلُّوا فَإِنَّني
عَلى العَهدِ راعٍ لِلخَليطِ المَزايِلِ
5. My friend said: What is this standing still in an abode,
Like a title page left barren?
٥. فَقالَ رَفيقي ما الوُقُوفُ بِمَنزِلٍ
وَنُؤىٍ كَعِنوانِ الصَحِيفَةِ ماثِلِ
6. The downpour has changed its promise to the meadows,
Along with the rains or the weaving of the whirlwinds.
٦. بِنَعفِ اللِوى قَد غَيَّرَ القَطرُ عَهدَهُ
مَعَ المُورِ أَو نَسجُ الصَبا وَالشَمائِلِ
7. The two ages have alternated upon it until it seems
As if the top of its earth is sifted through the sieves.
٧. تَعاوَرَهُ العَصرانِ حَتّى كَأَنَّما
يُغَربَلُ أَعلى تُربِهِ بِالمَناخِلِ
8. And each rumble of thunder is a churning, rumbling
Cloud that has a creeping serpent extending from the ground.
٨. وَكُلُّ هَزيمِ الرَعدِ جَونٍ مُجَلجِلٍ
لَهُ هَيدَبٌ دانٍ مِن الأَرضِ هاطِلِ
9. So even if you call out, except for prolonged
Sorrow, you will get no answer from those you ask.
٩. فَلَستَ وَلَو أَنباكَ عَمَّن سَأَلتَهُ
سِوى حَزَنٍ مِنهُم طَويلٍ بِنائِلِ
10. So be resolute, connect and make your visit a joining,
Goodness to you. And cut off whoever does not reciprocate.
١٠. فَكُن حازِماً وَامنَح وَصالَكَ وَاصِلاً
لَكَ الخَيرُ وَاصرم حَبلَ مَن لَم يُواصِلِ
11. I said to him: The love of killing and its dust,
Contentment. And Lord of the Throne, O killer of me,
١١. فَقُلتُ لَهُ حُبُّ القَتُولِ وَتِربِها
رُضَيّا وَرَبِّ العَرشِ يا صاحِ قاتِلي
12. Contentment. It has shot my heart but did not pass through
And did not shoot the hearts of the fickle ones.
١٢. رُضَيّا رَمَت قَلبي فَلَم تَشوِ إِذ رَمَت
وَلَم تَرمِ مِن قَلبي قُلُوبَ الزَوائِلِ
13. With the glance of death, not with a bow and arrows,
Nor an arrow more painful than the twisting of souls.
١٣. بِعَيني مَهاةٍ لا بِقَوسٍ وَأَسهُمٍ
وَلا نَبلَ أَدهى مِن عُيُوِ العَقائِلِ
14. For whom after her I love rhymed prose and mount
My steed and resist the slaying of the virgins.
١٤. لِمَن بَعدَها أَهوى القَوافي وَأَمتَطي
جَوادي وَأَعصي لأَماتِ العَواذِلِ
15. And I travel, when the beloved of passion makes me travel,
And I stay up late, under the working starry nights,
١٥. وَأَسرى إِذا ما ذُو الهَوى هالَهُ السُرى
وَأُعمِلُ لَيلَ الناجِياتِ اليَعامِلِ
16. And I weep, in the early daybreak, with the lovesick one, the moon,
When the moon calls before dawn or at nightfall.
١٦. وَأَبكي مَع القَمريِّ ذي الشَجو بِالضُحى
إِذا هَتَفَ القُمرِيُّ أَو بِالأَصائِلِ