1. O say to whoever resides in Mecca
And whoever comes from the depths and passes of Al-Mushallal
١. أَلا قُل لِمَن أَمسى بِمَكَّةَ قاطِناً
وَمِن جاءَ مِن عَمقٍ وَنَقبِ المُشَلَّلِ
2. Abandon the Hajj, do not waste your expenses
For Hajj this year is not accepted
٢. دَعُو الحَجَّ لا تَستَهلِكُوا نَفقاتِكُم
فَما حَجُّ هذا العامِ بِالمُتَقَبَّلِ
3. And how can the Hajj of one who has no leader
Other than Deldel during his encampment be purified?
٣. وَكَيفَ يُزَكّى حَجُّ مَن لَم يَكُن لَهُ
إِمامٌ لَدى تَجمبرِهِ غَيرُ دُلدُلِ
4. He continues pretending with fasting by day
And wearing a Carnation cloak in the darkness
٤. يَظَلُّ يُرائي بِالصِيامِ نَهارَهُ
وَيَلبَسُ في الظَلماءِ سِمطى قَرَنفُلِ