
I say goodnight to the long night in wonder

أقول عشاء للطويل تعجبا

1. I say goodnight to the long night in wonder
As tears have streamed from my eyes so I weep

١. أَقُولُ عَشاءً لِلطَويلِ تَعَجُّباً
وَقَد فاضَ ماءُ العَينِ مِنّي فَأَسجَما

2. By God, I know not, are her people unjust to me
Or was it I who was unjust to them

٢. فَوَاللَهِ ما أَدرى أَحَوباءُ أَهلِها
هُمُ ظَلَمُوني أَم أَنا كُنتُ أَظلَمَا

3. I sat still, sent no messenger, nor did they
Send aught to us, a neighbor who has sinned

٣. قَعَدتُ فَلَم أُرسِل وَلا أَرسَلُوا هُمُ
بِشَيءٍ إِلَينا صاحِ حَولاً مُجَرَّما

4. Are you coming to Layla's people, watching
For my sin, were they aloof or just aloofness feigned

٤. فَهَل أَنتَ آتٍ أَهلَ لَيلى فَناظِرٌ
لِذَنبي جَفَوني أَم جَفَوني تَعَرُّما

5. If I am at fault then such is their judgment of me
And for a man it suffices that he submit to judgment

٥. فَإِن يَكُ في ذَنبي ففي ذاكَ حُكمُهُم
وَحَسبُ امرئٍ في حَقِّنا أَن يَحكَّما

6. But if it was Layla who sinned and sought pretext
To know my resolve, I walked proudly away

٦. فَإِن تَكُ لَيلى أَذنَبَت وَتَعَتَّبَت
لِتَعلَم ما عِندي مَشَيتُ تَزَغُّما

7. To her, but blamed not her life for my sin
I resigned my right if she attained remorse

٧. إِلَيها فَلَم أَذكُر حَياتي ذَنبَها
وَأَطلَلت حَقِّي إِن أَصابَت لَنادَما

8. So be a healer, healing a soul sick
For Layla, a heart full of wounds well known

٨. فَكُن لي طَبيباً وَاشفِ نَفساً مَرِيضَةً
بِلَيلى وَقَلباً ذا خَبالٍ مُقَسَّما

9. For you will have, after bounty, yet more bounty from me
That has struck my heart, a hound that was faithful

٩. تَكُن لَكَ عِندي نِعمَةٌ بَعدَ نِعمَةٍ
أَصابَت بِها قَلبي كِلابَةُ بَعدَما

10. Who yearned for Layla, though fate denied her
I did not climb the heights to her, nor tread her paths

١٠. تَناءى بِلَيلى ذُو شَتاتٍ فَنِلتَها
بِها حَيثُ أَقصاها وَلَم أَرقَ سُلَّما

11. Rather gently, kindly, she would have bid farewell
To fickleness in a twist, a lame man grown straight

١١. وَلَكن بِرفقٍ أَو رُقىً لَودَعَت بِها
مِن الرُقشِ في لِصبٍ تَقَرَّبَ أَعرَما

12. Like embers in the grasp of one cupping them
When the wind blew, he held them firm, though hot

١٢. كمثل شِهابِ النار في كَفِّ قابِسٍ
إِذا الريح هَبَّت وَهوَ كابٍ تَضَرَّما

13. He built on ardor until they took heed of him
And protected him from people, took shelter in him

١٣. أَبَنَّ عَلى الحُوّاءِ حَتّى تَناذَرُوا
حِماهُ فَأَحماهُ مِن الناسِ وَاِحتَمى

14. Then it sighed, though hearing he did not desist
Rather strode ahead and would not turn back

١٤. لَظَلَّ مُصِيخاً سامِعاً ثُمَ إِنَّها
إِذا نَفَثَت لَم يَألُ إِلّا تَقَدُّما

15. Not sorcery is this, but her gentleness
If it attains the complex, it unravels the knot

١٥. وَما ذاكَ مِن سِحرٍ وَلَكِنَّ رِفقَها
إِذا نالَ صَعباً كانَ حَرّانَ سَلَّما