
Her words when they left pained my heart

أوجع القلب قولها حين راحوا

1. Her words when they left pained my heart
As she came to me, a gift for the night’s stay

١. أَوجَعَ القَلبَ قَولُها حِينَ راحُوا
لي تَقَدَّم إِلى المَبيتِ هُدِيتا

2. Will the journey hurt you, even if you go
A short while, even if you reach the hostelry

٢. هَل يَضُرَّنَّكَ المَسيرُ لَئِن سِر
تَ قَريباً وَإِن بَلَغتَ المَبيتا

3. I said I fear for you the eyes
Of enemies and those with hate so vile

٣. قُلتُ إِنّي أَخشى عَلَيكِ عُيوُناً
من عِداةٍ وَذا شَذاةٍ مَقِيتا

4. Then she said I had told my family
Before this of what I desired

٤. ثُمَّ قالَت قَد كُنتُ آذَنتُ أَهلي
قَبلَ هَذا عَلى الَّذي قَد هَوِيتا

5. We have not been safe with you since we accompanied
You in what you crave, and we did not disobey

٥. ما سَلِيمنا إِلَيكَ مُنذُ اِصطَحَبنا
في الَّذي تَشتَهي وَما إِن عُصِيتا