1. I say to my companion, like what I complain of,
The man of intense agony complains to brothers like them, when
١. أَقُولُ لِصاحِبَيَّ وَمِثلُ ما بي
شَكاهُ المَرءُ ذُو الوَجدِ الأَلِيمِ
2. Worry keeps him sleepless at night,
I met a back, at the side of An-Naqah, a sister of Bani Tamim.
٢. إِلى الأَخوَينِ مِثلِهِما إِذا ما
تَأَوَّبُهُ مُؤَرِّقَةُ الهُمُوم
3. So when there appeared to my eye from her,
A cheek flowing in an alluring creation,
٣. لِحيني وَالبَلاءِ لَقِيتُ ظُهراً
بِجَنبِ النَقعِ أُختَ بَني تَميمِ
4. And an eye with kohl, a slit, and a mouth,
Like an Al-Uqhuwan (a bright star), and a soft neck.
٤. فَلَمّا أَن بَدا للعَينِ مِنها
أَسِيلُ الخَدِّ في خَلقٍ عَميمِ
5. Her friends gathered around me because of her,
Bending over like those returning to a sick man.
٥. وَعَينا جُؤذَرٍ خَرِقٍ وَثَغرٌ
كَمِثلِ الأُقحُوانِ وَجِيدُ رِيمِ
6. Chaste women who had not lived a life of misery,
Rather, a life of luxury and comfort.
٦. حَنا أَترابُها دُوني عَلَيها
حُنُوَّ العائِداتِ عَلى السَقِيمِ
7. She captivated the heart of a lovesick melancholic,
With a longing that stirred in him for long.
٧. عَقائِلُ لَم يَعِشنَ بِعَيشِ بُؤسٍ
وَلَكِن بِالغَضارَةِ وَالنَعيمِ
8. Sighs shook his body, until
It wore out like a perfumed garment becomes worn out.
٨. فَشاقَت قَلبَ مُفتَتنٍ حَزينٍ
عَلى شَوقٍ مُخامِرِهِ قَديمِ
9. He disobeyed his kin, so they avoided him,
As the sincere advisor is shunned by the fool.
٩. أَحَلَّ بِجِسمِهِ الزَفَراتِ حَتّى
بَلي كَبلى العَسِيبِ مِنَ الهَشيمِ
10. I will remember her name as long as I live,
A man who reveals his secret is not like one who conceals it.
١٠. وَعاصى الأَقرَبينَ فَزا يَلُوهُ
كَما عُزِلَ المُصِحُّ عَن المُهِيمِ
11. He only sleeps at night dozing,
Like the sleep of the healthy.
١١. لَأَذكُرُ إِسمَها ما دُمتُ حَيّاً
وَما الرَجُلُ المُصَرِّحُ كَالكَتُومِ
12. And none captivated hearts and delighted eyes,
Revealing her to them, like one gently bending.
١٢. يُسَهَّدُ ما يَنامُ اللَيل إِلّا
غِشاشاً مِثلَ تَسهِيدِ السَلِيمِ
13. Weak in strength, but strong in plotting,
With her glance when she winked mischievously,
١٣. وَما شاقَ القُلوبَ وَراقَ عَيناً
فَتُجلاهُ كَذِي دَلٍّ رَخيمِ
14. A timid partridge, with soft down,
And plumage upon a delicate neck.
١٤. ضَعِيفِ البَطشِ ذي كَيدٍ شَدِيدٍ
بِنَظرَتِهِ إِذا أَومى سَؤُوم
١٥. خَرَوسٍ حِجلُهُ وَيَجُولُ مِنهُ
وِشاحاهُ عَلى كَشحٍ هَضِيمِ