
He has turned grey but that's only to be expected

قد رابه ولمثل ذلك رابه

1. He has turned grey but that's only to be expected
White has settled upon black thus confusing them

١. قَد رابَهُ وَلِمثل ذَلِكَ رابَهُ
وَقَعَ البَياضُ عَلى السَوادِ فَشابَهُ

2. A hue I thought most detested by women
At the time of dyeing when the hair-dye is ready

٢. لَونٌ حَسِبتُ إِلى النِساءِ مُبَغَّضٌ
عِندَ النُصُولِ إِذا يَحِينُ خِضابُهُ

3. Verily youth has departed and its goodness passed
So when will you say 'when' as its time returns?

٣. إِنَّ الشَباب عَسا وَأَدبَرَ خَيرُهُ
فَمَتى تَقُولُ وَلاتَ حِينَ إِيابُهُ

4. After that and after what has vanished that which
Wrenches the heart to have vanished is gone

٤. أَفَبَعدَ ذاكَ وَبَعدَ ما ذَهَبَ الَّذي
يَزَعُ الفُؤادَ عَن أَن يُصَبَّ ذَهابُهُ

5. I shed tears so his friends blamed him
As he cried out to the distant hermit

٥. أَذرى الدُموعَ فَلامَهُ أَصحابُهُ
إِذ صاحَ بِالبَينِ المُشِتِّ غَرابُهُ

6. Of the clan of 'Amrah, that loving wanderer
Whose tears flow when his loved ones are far

٦. مِن آلِ عَمرَةَ وَالمُحِبُّ مُشَوَّقٌ
سَرِبُ الدُمُوعِ إِذا نَأى أَحبابُهُ

7. The day passes but their blame does not fade
Pouring steadily when blamed, his blaming ebbs

٧. ذَهَبَ النَهارُ وَلا يَبُوخُ عِتابُهُم
صَبّاً يَقِلُّ لَدى العِتابِ عِتابُهُ

8. And God knows I left off disputing with them
Lest I should have for that an answer

٨. وَاللَهُ يَعلَمُ ما تَرَكتُ مِراءَهُم
أَلّا يَكُونُ مَعي لِذاكَ جَوابُهُ

9. Save for fear that I would quarrel with a companion
And know that quarreling is the cause of disputes

٩. إِلّا مَخافَةَ أَن أُصارِمَ صاحِباً
وَالصرمُ فاعلَم وَالمِرا أَسبابُهُ

10. And the vile man sees spoils in his wealth
Reviling the generous when the generous answers him

١٠. وَيَرى اللَئيمُ غَنيمَةً في مالِهِ
سَبَّ الكَريمِ إِذا الكَريمُ أَجابَهُ

11. So I was silent, withdrawing like the forbearing
For the forbearer's withdrawal saves him from villains

١١. فَسَكَتُّ إِضرابَ الحَليمِ وَإِنَّما
يُنجى الحَليمَ عَن الخَنا إِضرابُهُ

12. And I shed copious tears of a lovesick man
Whose heart was stirred and distraught with passion

١٢. وَأَفَضتُ عَبرَةَ مَعوِلٍ هاجَت لَهُ
ذِكرَ الحَبيب فَهاجَهُ إِطرابُهُ

13. They were determined to leave and made ready to depart
Like a mirage on a day, its image wavering

١٣. عَزَمُوا الفِراقَ وَقَرَّبُوا لِرَحيلِهِم
كَالهَضبِ في يَومٍ يَظَلُّ سَرابُهُ

14. It runs over the barren plain as though
Its clouds had brought relief to the land

١٤. يَجري عَلى جُدبِ المِتانِ كَأَنَّهُ
ماءٌ أَغاثَ بِهِ البِلادَ سَحابُهُ

15. A day on which the fugitive remains
Hidden in the depths of a valley unseen through its haze

١٥. يَوماً يَظَلُّ الرِيمُ فيهِ لازِماً
قعرَ الكِناس وَلا يُحَسُّ ضَبابُهُ

16. He is masked by the flames of fires as though
His garments were renewed with purest white

١٦. يَكتَنُّ مِن وَهجِ السُمُومِ كَأَنَّما
جُدُدُ المَلاءِ مِنَ البَياضِ ثِيابُهُ

17. Every braggart is like a trunk stripped bare
By its carpenter though its panels remain

١٧. مِن كُلِّ مُنتَفِخٍ كَأَنَّ تَلِيلَهُ
جِذعٌ بَراهُ جائِزاً خَشّابُهُ

18. His tall frame belies his narrow ribs
The prominent part of his abdomen finely formed

١٨. تَستَنفِدُ النِسعَ الطَويلَ ضُلُوعُهُ
نابى المَعِدِّ نَبيلَةٌ آرابُهُ

19. Scowling when he tightens the bridle so that
His mouth gapes and his fangs are bared

١٩. مُغضٍ إِذا غَضَّ الزِمامَ خِشاشُهُ
يَفتَرُّ عَن أَنَفٍ فَيَبدُو نابُهُ

20. Rough after its first opening by its opener
Like the bellows of a furnace unleashed by its tender

٢٠. عَن مِثلِ زافِرَةِ الرِتاجِ أَجافَهُ
مِن بَعدِ أَوَّلِ فَتحِهِ بَوّابُهُ

21. Until the departure was over and the dust rose
To the sky in clouds from their advancing company

٢١. حَتّى إِذا قُضِيَ الرَحيلُ وَقَد سَطا
نَقعٌ يَثُورُ إِلى السَماءِ ضَبابُهُ

22. I followed their tracks at the camping-places
Like a lover follows the beloved's tents

٢٢. نَبَّعتُ ذِفراهُ عَلى قَصَراتِهِ
كَالمُهلِ يَتَّبِعُ المَقَدَّ حَبابُهُ

23. Wherever the caravan sets up or the place
Where the caravan's vestiges mark its return

٢٣. مِن حَيثُ تَنتَكِتُ المَرافِقُ أَو يَقَع
أَثَرُ المَرافِقِ حَيثُ عادَ تِرابُهُ

24. Urging on his mount with the jingling of its tackle
As it frees itself screaming out loud

٢٤. دَقّاً يُراوِجُ دَقَّهُ ثَفَناتِهِ
سَحقَ التَخَلّصِ إِذ يَصِيحُ جَنابُهُ

25. I went out wandering distraught amid companions
While the lamp flickered in the evening glow

٢٥. خَرَجَت تَأَطَّرُ في أَوانِسَ كَالدُمى
وَالمُزنُ يَبرُقُ بِالعَشِيِّ رَبابُهُ

26. Walking the walk of the amorous and graceful
As insects hummed at dusk amid the herbage

٢٦. يَمشِينَ مَشيَ العِين في مُتَأَنِّقٍ
مِن نَبتِهِ غَرِدِ الضَحاءِ ذُبابُهُ

27. In the flowering plants, darkness had come over them
And no grasshoppers chirped in their meadows

٢٧. في زاهِرٍ مِثل النُجُومِ أَمالَهُ
ظَلَمٌ فَتَمَّ وَلَم يَهِج إِعشابُهُ

28. Then he appeared and I had not intentionally frowned
At a cheek flexing over gum as perfect as pearls

٢٨. فَبَدا وَما عَمِدَت بِذاكَ تَبَرُّماً
جِيدٌ يمُجُّ عَلى اللُبانِ سَخابُهُ

29. Exhaling purer fragrance so it seemed as if
His breath had blood in it from a wound

٢٩. مِسكاً وَجادِيَّ العَبير فَأَشرَقا
حَتّى كَأَنَّ دَماً يُقالُ أَصابَهُ

30. Approaching on the twoLitayn camels, stately and handsome
A leg wrapped in garb that delights a gazer

٣٠. تُدنى عَلى اللِيتَينِ أَسحَمَ وارِداً
رَجِلاً يَشِفُّ لناظِرٍ جِلبابُهُ

31. Like a wild black antelope old and toothless
That mingles with young gazelles in its prime

٣١. وَكَأَنَّ أَحوَرَ مِن ظِباءِ تَبالَةٍ
يَقرُو الخَمائِلَ حِينَ تَمَّ شَبابُهُ

32. He gave 'Amrah his glances that I could not
Reward for all there was no repaying

٣٢. أَهدى لِعَمرةَ مُقلَتَيهِ إِذ رَمَت
نَحوي بِما لا يُستَطاعُ ثَوابُهُ

33. From her I saw multiplied charms
Upon her, not ceasing, however much she was shunned

٣٣. مِن طَرفِها إِني رَأَيتُ مُكَثِّراً
نَما عَلَيها لا يَريمُ إِهابُهُ

34. And she smiled at me with the loveliest dimple
That shone white in the darkness like a fang

٣٤. وَتَبَسَّمَت لِيَ عَن أَغَرَّ مُؤَشَّرٍ
ظَلمِ تَحَيَّرَ بارِدٍ أَنيابُهُ

35. Like the circling pool of a granted gift
The tribe denied though the drawers came to it

٣٥. كَغَريضِ مَوهِبَةٍ أَطافَ بِمائِها
طَودٌ تَمَنَّعَ أَن تُنالَ لِصابُهُ

36. Woven for her by youth in a carpeted litter
That removes hearts' grief when mounted by its rider

٣٦. بَيضاءَ تَنسُجُها الصَبا في مُشرِفٍ
حَلَّ القُلُوبَ الصادِياتِ حِجابُهُ

37. They climbed the mound of cheeks as though ascending
The curved neck of the oryx with straight-ridged sides

٣٧. فَعَلَونَ أَوطِئَةَ الخُدورِ كَما عَلَت
رُقبُ المَها كُثُباً تَحِفُّ هِضابُهُ

38. Chaste wild cattle whose home it inhabited
Where its herds pastured, its meadows green

٣٨. أَنقاءَ وَحشِيِّ الأَلا أَسكانُهُ
فِيها يَقيلُ وَرَعيُها إِخصابُهُ

39. So I followed them with intent that deviated with them
Like palms inclining to the side with heavy clusters

٣٩. فَتَبِعتُهُنَّ لِنِيَّةٍ شَحَطَت بِهِم
كَالنخلِ حانَ لِمُجتَنٍ أَرطابُهُ

40. And I scanned the knotted camel-leads above
Saddles enveloped in saddle-cloths

٤٠. وَأَنَختُ مُنعَقِدَ الحِبالِ وَفَوقَهُ
رَحلٌ تَغَشَّت بَزَّهُ أَجلابُهُ

41. Behind them the milch-camels' udders swollen
Bulging with milk stored in them since they last suckled

٤١. مِن خَلفِهِ لَدنُ المَهَّزةِ قاطِعٌ
ضافٍ تَضَمَّنَهُ لِذاكَ قِرابُهُ

42. I followed them and excellent is a single companion
In the wilderness who precedes his companions

٤٢. فَتَبِعتُهُم وَلَنِعمَ صاحِبُ واحِدٍ
في الوَحشِ يَبدُرُ قَبلَهُ أَصحابُهُ

43. Until the darkness mingled and they approached
A plain, easy for the descending celestial bodies

٤٣. حَتّى إِذا اِختَلَطَ الظَلامُ وَقارَبُوا
زُرقاً وَأَسهَلَ لِلمُنيخِ جَنابُهُ

44. They halted there as pilgrims halt at Mina
Crowded together by the stone idols

٤٤. نَزَلُوا كَما نَزَلَ الحَجيجُ بِأَبطَحٍ
ضَمَّتهُمُ عِندَ الجِمارِ حِصابُهُ