1. O my love, convey my regards and peace
What is the purpose of this estrangement while you are traveling?
١. عُوجى عَلَيَّ وَسَلِّمي جَبرُ
فِيمَ الصُدُودُ وَأَنتُمُ سَفرُ
2. Your absence is enough estrangement for us and for you
So know that I will do that estrangement
٢. فَكَفى بِهِ هَجراً لَنا وَلَكُم
أَنّي وَذَلِكَ فَاِعلَمي الهَجرُ
3. We only meet during the three days of Mina
Until the people disperse between us
٣. لا نَلتَقي إِلّا ثَلاثَ منىً
حَتّى يُشَتِّتَ بَينَنا النَفرُ
4. After the year, with the month we follow it
As time is nothing but the year and the month
٤. بِالشَهرِ بَعدَ الحَولِ نُتبِعُهُ
ما الدَهرُ إِلّا الحَولُ وَالشَهرُ
5. Had you stayed, I would have excused you
For being away, and I would have had patience
٥. لَو كُنتِ ماكِثَةً عَذَرتُكُمُ
لِبِعادِنا وَلَكانَ لي صَبرُ
6. For my love of you, I would have vowed
For a while, but does the yearning soul make vows?
٦. عَن حُبِّكُم وَنَذَرتُ صرمَكُمُ
حِيناً وَهَل لِمُتَيَّمٍ نَذرُ
7. A girl glanced with the eye of a spinner, hung
A tendril whose growth was fresh and green
٧. نَظَرَت بِمُقلَةِ مُغزِلٍ عَلِقَت
فَنَناً تَنَعَّمَ نَبتُهُ نَضرُ
8. The buds of her heart a fawn walking unsteadily
Whose gait betrays weakness
٨. يُثنى بَناتَ فُؤادِها رَشأٌ
طَفلٌ تَخَّونَ مَشيَهُ فَترُ
9. In a stance, the flirts raised their eyes at him
As if they were embers
٩. في مَوقِفٍ رَفَع الوُشاةُ بِهِ
أَبصارَهُم فَكَأَنَّها الجَمرُ
10. I recognized her abode and said to her
By the palace - after its prime, old age comes
١٠. وَعَرَفتُ مَنزِلَةً فَقُلتُ لَها
بِالقَصرِ مَرَّ لِعَهدِهِ عَصرُ
11. The palace is mightier than the clan of Jubayrah
So it is appropriate for it to be coupled with it
١١. أَقوى مِن آل جُبَيرَةَ القَصرُ
فَقِرانُها فَتِلاعُها العُفرُ
12. Thus its well is desolate and its lote tree
And its red eastern slopes
١٢. فَالبئرُ مُوحِشَةٌ فَسِدرَتُها
فَهِضابَها الشَرقيَّةُ الحُمرُ
13. With every broken down dilapidated ruin
Whose faded shawl is like a full moon
١٣. مِن كُلِّ خَرعَبَةٍ مُبتَّلَةٍ
صِفرِ الوِشاحِ كَأَنَّها بَدرُ
14. A houri whom standing up prevents
When creation and splendor are complete
١٤. حَوراءَ يَمنَعُها القِيامُ إِذا
قَعَدَت تَمامُ الخَلقِ وَالبُهر
15. She grew tall like a tendril on a hilltop
Bending in its length with the weight of dignity
١٥. كَالعِذقِ في رَأسِ الكَثيبِ نَما
طُولاً وَمالَ بِفَرعِهِ الوِقرُ
16. He walked unsteadily, dragging his skirt
Most of his mind lost to intoxication
١٦. مَشيَ النَزيفِ يَجُرُّ مِئزَرَهُ
ذَهَبَت بِأَكثَر عَقلِهِ الخُمر
17. A palace in which the freshness of youth still flows
A lineage that excellence falls short of
١٧. قَصرٌ بِهِ رُودُ الشَبابِ لَها
نَسَبٌ يُقَصِّرُ دُونَهُ الفَخرُ
18. Zahra rises to highness through them
Her forefathers and paternal uncles are flowers
١٨. زَهراءُ يَسمُو لِلعَلاءِ بِها
آباؤُها وَعَقائِلٌ زُهرُ
19. Her old women inherited chastity and whatever
Good they had done, its mention remains
١٩. وَرِثَت عَجائزها العَفاف وَما
قَدَّمنَ مِن خَيرٍ لَهُ ذِكر
20. When the frost and taxation came together
They made the hooves rigid and stopped the rain
٢٠. فَإِذا الجَليدُ مَعَ الضَريبِ مَعاً
سَفَعَ العِضاةَ وَأَقحَط القَطرُ
21. The north wind dominated its garments
And the embroidered coat was ripped
٢١. وَاِستَحوَذَت رِيحُ الشَمالِ عَلى
أَثوابِهِ وَتَمَصَّحَ البُسرُ
22. The harshness of winter did not hurt her
Nor was any screen lifted for her to look out
٢٢. لَم يُؤذِها حَدُّ الشِتاءِ وَلَم
يُرفَع لَها لِتَطَلُّعٍ سِترُ