
Deliver a message to my beloved that separation has taken its toll

بلغ قريبة أن البين قد أفدا

1. Deliver a message to my beloved that separation has taken its toll
And if we survive, we shall leave tomorrow

١. بَلِّغ قُرَيبَةَ أَنَّ البَينَ قَد أَفِدا
وَأَنَّنا إِن سَلِمنا رائِحُونَ غَدا

2. How many forbidden nights have we spent together
A night visitor whose visits we wished would never end

٢. كَم بِالحَرامِ وَلَو كُنّا نُجامِلُهُ
مِن كاشِحٍ وَدَّ أَنّا لا نُرى أَبَدا

3. He carries a burden of our hatred that afflicts him
And is wearied of the envy towards us here

٣. حُمِّلَ مِن بُغضِنا غِلّا يُعالِجُهُ
وَقَد تَمّلا عَلَينا فِيكُمُ حَسَدا

4. A passionate soul pours her woes out to us
Counting the nights when we are absent from her

٤. وَذاتِ وَجدٍ عَلَينا تَبُوحُ بِهِ
تُحصى اللَيالي إِذا غِبنا لَها عَدَدا

5. Eagerly trying to hold back her tears in vain
Neither her tears flowed nor her sorrow dried

٥. حَرِيصَةٍ أَن تَكُفَّ الدَمعَ جاهِدَةً
وَما رَقا دَمعُ عَينَيها وَلا جَمَدا

6. Oh night of Saturday, you have burdened me with sickness
Until death and sorrow that racked my liver

٦. يا لَيلَةَ السَبتِ قَد زَوَّدتِني سَقَماً
حَتّى المَماتِ وَحُزناً صَدَّعَ الكَبِدا

7. She got up staggering in fear to bid me farewell
Like a grieved pilgrim with dust-covered clothes

٧. قامَت تَهادى عَلى خَوفٍ تُشَيِّعُني
مَشى الحَسِيرِ المُزَجّى أُحشِمَ الصَعَدا

8. She had barely reached the door when her women said
In utter shock, this effort is too much, stop

٨. لَم تَبلُغِ البابَ حَتّى قالَ نِسوَتُها
مِن شِدَّةِ البُهرِ هَذا الجَهدُ فاتَّئِدا

9. They made her sit as they talked, that envious soul
Light rain on Layla when she is made to sit

٩. أَقعَدنَها وَنَثا ما قُلنَ ذُو حَسَدٍ
صَبٌّ بِلَيلى إِذا ما أُقعِدَت قَعَدا