
Alas! For the eye that continues to shed tears,

ألا من لعين لا تزال تسيل

1. Alas! For the eye that continues to shed tears,
And the eye of the lover lost in longing.

١. أَلا مَن لِعَينٍ لا تَزالُ تَسِيلُ
وَعَينُ المُحبِّ المُستَهامِ هَمُولُ

2. For the eyelid that refused but to follow you,
And the heart that refused but to roam towards you.

٢. وَطَرفٍ أَبى يا عَمرَ إِلّا اتِّباعَكُم
وَقَلبٍ أَبى إِلّا عَلَيكِ يَجُولُ

3. It refuses misery that it may pasture while owning it,
I see that the path to it is death.

٣. أَبي شِقوةً أَن يَرعَوي وَهوَ مالَهُ
إِلَيها أُرى حَتّى المَماتِ سَبيلُ

4. And the love of the miserly one provoked his grief,
Yet the foot loves the thing while he is stingy.

٤. وَهاجَ لَهُ حُبُّ البَخيلَةِ حُزنَهُ
وَقِدماً يُحَبُّ الشَيءُ وَهوَ بَخيلُ

5. And if my heart is ripped apart, I would say -
While the separater means the love so he says:

٥. وَإِنّي وَإِنحَلَّأتِ قَلبي لَقائلٌ
وَذَو البَثِّ يَعنيهِ الهَوى فَيَقُولُ

6. "God has made my heart stick to His truth,
While women fulfill what is little for them."

٦. حَبَستِ هَداكِ اللَهُ قَلبي لِحَقِّهِ
وَتَقضي نِساءٌ ما لَهُنَّ قَليلُ

7. And if my heart had wanted, it would have sold others, but
It refuses while you are long (lived).

٧. وَلَو شاءَ قَلبي باعَ غَيرَكِ فَاِقتَضى
وَلَكِنَّهُ يَأَبى وَأَنتِ مَطُولُ

8. And my turning away from you does not
Diminish anything of the truth from me, so know that it is heavy (hard).

٨. وَإِنَّ إِنصِرافي عَنكِ لا تُنقِصينَ لي
مِنَ الحَقِّ شَيئاً فَاعلَمي لِثَقِيلُ

9. Women say Umarah's love healed me,
They claimed, and in my body there is emaciation from that.

٩. يَقُولُ نِساءٌ حُبُّ عَمرَةَ شَفَّني
زَعَمنَ وَفي جِسمي لِذاكَ نُحُولُ

10. By God, I did not love her with doubtful love,
But that love is lethal.

١٠. وَوَاللَهِ ما أَحبَبتُها حُبَّ رِيبَةٍ
وَلَكنَّما ذاكَ الحُبابُ قَتُول

11. An eye with bad omen called his heart to it,
At it, and an eye guiding to hair-tips.

١١. دَعَت قَلبَهُ عَينٌ إِلَيها مَشُومَةٌ
عَلَيهِ وَعَينٌ لِلفُؤاذِ دَليلُ

12. At the middle ember, noble, and around it
Young maidens, houris, their beauty enticing.

١٢. لَدى الجَمرَةِ الوُسطى أَصيلاً وَحَولَها
نَواعِمُ حُورٌ دَلُّهُنَّ جَميلُ

13. They surrounded it from every side, as if it
Were a summer cloud, unveiling and folding.

١٣. تَكَنَّفنَها مِن كُلِّ شِقٍّ كَأَنَّها
سَحابَةُ صَيفٍ تَنجَلي وَتَحيلُ

14. If she hits with coolness from beneath her face,
Hillocks, the black of the two eyes more black.

١٤. إِذا ضَرَبَت بِالبُردِ مِن دُونِ وَجهِها
تَلالا أَحَمُّ المُقلَتَينِ أَسِيلُ

15. On a neck from the wild animals, smooth
Having a glance that wears out the pining lover.

١٥. عَلى جِيدِ أَدماءٍ مِنَ الوَحشِ حُرَّةٍ
لَها نَظَرٌ يُبلي المَشُوقَ كَلِيلُ