
A vision that sees far distantly visited me,

تأوبني طيف بعيد التأوب

1. A vision that sees far distantly visited me,
Unknowingly, and my companion did not realize.

١. تَأَوَّبني طَيفٌ بَعِيدُ التَأَوُّبِ
هُدُوّاً وَلَم يَشعُر بِذَلِكَ صاحِبي

2. I remembered Layla - truly I am deprived of the mention of her -
My heart wanders the night from every side.

٢. تَذَكُّرُ لَيلى إِنَّني خِلتُ ذِكرَها
يَؤُوبُ فُؤادي اللَيلَ مِن كُلِّ جانِبِ

3. I said, "Stay seated - verily the patience of your brother has waned!"
And I held back the tear of my eye though the tear was dominant.

٣. فَقُلتُ أَقعُدَا قَد عِيلَ صَبرُ أَخيكُما
وَكَفكَفتُ دَمعَ العَينِ وَالدَمعُ غالِبي

4. I used to hope that you would bring me comfort,
And I did not know that the vision - were I to stay - would be my seeker.

٤. وَقَد كُنتُ أَرجُو أَن أَييتَ بِراحَةٍ
وَلَم أَدرِ أَنَّ الطَيفَ إِن بِتُّ طالِبي

5. By Allah! A lover is not denounced for her like,
Even if parting from loved ones is hated.

٥. وَوَاللَهِ لا يُنكا مُحِبُّ بِمثلِها
وَإِن كانَ مَكرُوهاً فِراقُ الحَبائِبِ

6. The love of her was absorbed into my skin and it walked with it
As the wine walks in the skin of the drinker.

٦. وَأُشِربَ جِلدي حُبُّها وَمَشى بِهِ
تَمَشّي حُمَيّا الكَأسِ في جِلدِ شارِبِ

7. Her love creeps into my bones, and her love
Crept as the poison of scorpion creeps into the stung one.

٧. يَدِبُّ هَواها في عِظامي وَحُبُّها
كَما دَبَّ في المَلدُوغِ سَمُّ العَقارِبِ

8. The day we departed, she appeared to us as though she was
The most protective she-camel among grazing sheep.

٨. تَبَدَّت لَنا يَومَ الرَحيلِ كَأَنَّها
أَحَمُّ المَآقي في نِعاجٍ الرَبائِبِ

9. She bid farewell while passionate love walked slowly between us
As a branch calls out when struck by one who cuts down.

٩. تَكَفّا وَيَمشينَ الهُوَينا تَأَوُّداً
كَما أَنآدَ غُصنٌ بَلَّهُ ضَربُ هاضِبِ