1. Alas! Have the departing companions agitated you
When they passed by the sloping valley?
١. أَلا هَل هاجَكَ الأَظعا
نُ إِذ جاوَزنَ مُطَّلَحا
2. Yes, and if not for the nearness between us
A bird would have flown for you in longing.
٢. نَعَم وَلِوَشكِ بَينِهِمِ
جَرى لَكَ طائِرٌ سَنَحا
3. They treaded the rugged path from Raqqah
As the light of dawn shone clearly.
٣. سَلَكنَ الخَبتَ مِن رَكَكٍ
وَضَوءُ الفَجرِ قَد وَضَحا
4. So who but me rejoices at their separation?
For when they departed I was delighted.
٤. فَمَن يَفرَحُ بِبينِهِمِ
فَغَيري إِذ غَدَوا فَرِحا
5. She shook her head in wonderment
And jokingly said in jest:
٥. فَهَزَّت رَأسَها عَجَباً
وَقالَت مازِحٌ مَزَحا
6. "How strange is our stance!
He then hid, the one with curled hair."
٦. فَيا عَجَباً لِموقِفِنا
وَغَيَّبَ ثَمَّ مَن كَشَحا
7. I followed them with my eyes
Until I was told: Do not expose yourself!
٧. تَبِعتُهُمُ بِطَرفِ العَي
نِ حَتّى قِيلَ لي اِفتُضِحا
8. Thus we bade farewell to each other
And each of us straightforwardly declared their love.
٨. فَوَدَّعَ بَعضُنا بَعضاً
وَكُلٌّ بِالهَوى صَرَحا