
I ask about the fair prisoner in jail, her neighbor,

أسائل عن وجناء في السجن جارها

1. I ask about the fair prisoner in jail, her neighbor,
By her father's life, I am burdened,

١. أُسائِلُ عَن وَجناءَ في السِجنِ جارَها
لَعَمرُ أَبِيها إِنَّني لَمُكَلَّفُ

2. And you are the prison and jail compared to her,
While I am locked up by one given authority.

٢. وَأَنّي لَكَ الوَجناءُ وَالسِجنُ دُونَها
وَيُغلَقُ دُوني ذُو أَواسٍ مُشَّرَّفُ

3. My legs are shackled with heavy chains,
Binding when the steps approach calling out.

٣. وَفي الرِجلِ مِنّي كَبلُ قَينٍ يُؤودُها
وَثِيقٌ إِذا ما جاءضهُ الخَطُو يَهتِفُ

4. As if its nails were driven in while it was soft,
Like the tusks of an old elephant striking the trees aside.

٤. كَأَنَّ شَبا مِسمارِهِ وَهوَ ناجِمٌ
شَبا نابِ قَرمٍ يَضرِبُ الشُولَ يَصرِفُ

5. She is a Yemeni who stirred my heart and entrusted it,
To the point my tears flow down my cheeks.

٥. يَمانِيَّةٌ هاجَت فُؤادي وَوَكِّلَت
بِها النَفس حَتّى دَمعُ عَينَيَّ يَذرِفُ

6. He is startled sometimes when she is mentioned to him,
Like a frightened herd of sheep.

٦. يُرَوَّعُ أَحياناً إِذا ذُكِرَت لَهُ
كَما رِيعَ مَشعُوفٌ مِنَ النَفرِ يُشعَفُ

7. And I wish you the first-aid from her and her home,
To the south of injustice, if she would forgive me and do me justice.

٧. وَأَنّي لَكَ الأسعافُ مِنها وَدارُها
جُنوبَ العِدى لَو سالمَتني وَتُنصِفُ

8. My luck and Hamzah guided me,
And luck has destinies that protect and dispose.

٨. وَما زالَ بي حَيني وَحَمزَةُ دَلَّني
وَلِلحَينِ أَقدارٌ تُحَمُّ وَتُصرَفُ

9. With the written fate, until she was inclined
By a soul that found her kind.

٩. مَعَ القَدَرِ المُكتُوبِ حَتّى تَعَطَّفَت
بِوَجناءَ نَفسٌ وَجدُها مُتَعِطِّفُ

10. So I am unveiled in what I carry of her,
And if what is in me were known, it would be recognized.

١٠. فَإِني لَما حُمِّلتُ مِنها لَبائِحٌ
وَلَو كانَ ما بي ما بِهِ بُحتُ يُعرَفُ

11. And my heart has contained a love beyond what appeared,
If only my heart would be revealed from its passion.

١١. وَمُستَودِعٍ قَلبي هَوىً فَوقَ ما بَدا
لَوأَنَّ فُؤادي عَن هَواها يُكَشّضفُ

12. I am true to her in love, like its measure,
When the feigned love is decreased and diminished.

١٢. وَإِني لَمُوفيها مِنَ الوُدِّ كَيلَهُ
إِذا نَقَصَ الوُدَّ المُلُولُ المُطَفِّفُ

13. She rises a little, then shows affection,
Like the gait of a captive, reluctantly crawling.

١٣. كَعابٌ إِذا قامَت قَليلاً تَأَوَّدَت
كَمَشي الحَسِيرِ مُكرَهاً وَهوَ مُزحَفُ

14. Of her whiteness, either what her gown conceals,
So she is chaste, or what is above it, so she is virtuous.

١٤. مِنَ البيضِ إِمّا ما يُوارى إِزارُها
فَفَقمٌ وَإِمّا ما عَلاهُ فَمُرهَفُ

15. Like a tender branch above a soft sand,
Blown gently by the southern winds.

١٥. كَغُصنِ الغَضا فَوقَ النَقا نَفَحَت لَهُ
جَنُوبٌ تُكَفّى فَرعَهُ وَهوَ مُشرِفُ

16. She has a wrist, a neck, and the cheek of a doe,
And belly when wrapped with a scarf, captured.

١٦. لَها مِعصَمٌ عَبلٌ وَجِيدُ جِدايَةٍ
وَبَطنٌ إِذا ناطَت بِهِ الوُشحَ مُخطَفُ

17. And sleepy eyes in a eyeliner of kohl,
With a mouth of drowsiness when she yawns.

١٧. وَعَينا مَهاةٍ في كِناسٍ بِرَملَةٍ
بِهاسِنَةٌ مِن نَعسَةٍ حينَ تَطرِفُ

18. A face like the full moon when it rose
Appearing in the darkness of night, shining.

١٨. وَوَجهٌ كَمِثلِ البَدرِ إِذ تَمَّ فَاِستَوى
إِذا ما بَدا في ظُلمَةِ اللَيلِ يَسدِفُ

19. And a mouth the darkness flows over, as if
When she smiles from plentiful water, dripping.

١٩. وَثَغرٌ عَلَيهِ الظُلمُ يَجري كَأَنَّهُ
إِذا اِبتَسمَت مِن كَثرَةِ الماءِ يَنطفُ

20. And I love the Azd sincerely for her love,
Over that, if I swear by God, I swear.

٢٠. وَإِني لَأَهوى الأَزدَ طُرّاً لِحُبِّها
عَلى ذاكَ إِن حُلِّفتُ بِاللَهِ أَحلِفُ

21. By the Lord of the obligatory gifts, her chests
She presented to God in pilgrimage, pausing.

٢١. بِرَبِّ الهَدايا الواجِباتِ جُنُوبُها
تَضَمَّنَها لِلّهِ في الحَجِّ مَوقِفُ

22. If the fair one had looked at me, I would stand
Looking at her, even if she objected and turned away.

٢٢. لَوَجناءُ أَلقاها فَأنظُرُ قائِماً
إِلَيها وَلَو كانَت تَصُدُّ وَتَصدِفُ

23. Dearer to myself than another relative
Who has a praiser in me, when he stands reciting poetry.

٢٣. أَحَبُّ إِلى نَفسي مِن أُخرى قَريبَةٍ
لَها مادِحٌ عِندي إِذا قامَ يَهرِفُ