
No burden was placed on man like faithfulness,

وما حمل الإنسان مثل أمانة

1. No burden was placed on man like faithfulness,
Which has weighed on him heavily since he bore it.

١. وَما حُمِّلَ الإِنسانُ مِثلَ أَمانَةٍ
أَشَقَّ عَلَهيِ حينَ يَحمِلُها حِملا

2. If you were burdened with faithfulness, endure it,
For you were charged with a weighty matter.

٢. فَإِن أَنتَ حُمِّلتَ الأَمانَةَ فَاصطَبر
عَلَيها فَقَد حُمِّلتَ مِن أَمرِها ثِقلا

3. And do not accept from those you approve backbiting,
And say to those who carry tales to you: wait a moment!

٣. وَلا تَقبَلَن فِيمَن رَضِيتَ نَمِيمَةً
وَقُل لِلَّذي يَأتيكَ يَحمِلُها مَهلا