
My brother, you will not attain knowledge except through six:

أخي لن تنال العلم إلا بستة

1. My brother, you will not attain knowledge except through six:
I will explain their meaning with clarity:

١. أَخي لَن تَنالَ العِلمَ إِلّا بِسِتَّةٍ
سَأُنبيكَ عَن تَأويلِها بِبَيانِ

2. Intelligence, eagerness, endurance, eloquence,
The guidance of a teacher, and a good era.

٢. ذَكاءٌ وَحِرصٌ وَاِصطِبارٌ وَبُلغَةٌ
وَإِرشادُ أُستاذٍ وَطيبُ زَمانِ