
Man after death is news

المرء بعد الموت أحدوثة

1. Man after death is news
He perishes, but traces of him remain

١. المَرءُ بَعدَ المَوتِ أُحدوثَةٌ
يَفنى وَتَبقى مِنهُ آثارُهُ

2. Time folds up many of his days
Yet his secrets are spread about

٢. يَطويهِ مِن أَيّامِهِ ما طَوى
لَكِنَّهُ تُنشَرُ أَسرارُهُ

3. So the best condition is that of a man
Whose reputation is sweet after death

٣. فَأَحسَنُ الحالاتِ حالُ اِمرِئٍ
تَطيبُ بَعدَ المَوتِ أَخبارُهُ

4. His mention remains after him
When his home is empty of his person

٤. يَفنى وَيَبقى ذِكرُهُ بَعده
إِذا خَلَت مِن شَخصِهِ دارُهُ