1. Hasten thy youth before thou growest old,
And thy health before thou fallest sick;
١. بادِر شَبابَكَ أَن تَهرَما
وَصِحَّةَ جِسمِكَ أَن تَسقَما
2. And the days of thy life ere comes thy death;
He hath not lived long who hath safely lived.
٢. وَأَيّامَ عَيشِكَ قَبلَ المَمات
فَما قَصر مَن عاشَ أَن يَسلَما
3. And the leisure of thy time, occupy it,
During the nights of thy travail therein
٣. وَوَقت فَراغِكَ بادِر بِه
لَيالي شُغلِكَ في بَعضِ ما
4. For every man is pledged for what he earneth,
According to what he hath sent before him.
٤. فَقَدِّر فَكُلُّ اِمرِئٍ قادِمٌ
عَلى عِلمِ ما كانَ قَد قَدَّما