
Embark the ships and set forth

ركبوا المراكب واغتدوا

1. Embark the ships and set forth
In groups to the Caliph's gate

١. رَكِبوا المَراكِبَ وَاِغتَدَوا
زُمَراً إِلى بابِ الخَليفَه

2. And pray the dawn prayers to attain
The noble ranks

٢. وَصَلوا البُكورَ إِلى الرَوا
حِ لِيَبلُغوا الرُتَبَ الشَريفَه

3. Until when they had attained
What they sought of the gentle state

٣. حَتّى إِذا ظَفِروا بِما
طَلَبوا مِنَ الحالِ اللَطيفَه

4. And the patron among them became
Delighted at what the scripture contains

٤. وَغَدا المُوَلّى مِنهُمُ
فَرِحاً بِما تَحوي الصَحيفَه

5. And they oppressed from beneath them
With injustice and harsh deeds

٥. وَتَعَسَّفوا مِن تَحتِهِم
بِالظُلمِ وَالسِيَرِ العَنيفَه

6. They betrayed the Caliph's covenant
With the intimidation of frightening ways

٦. خانوا الخَليفَةَ عَهدَهُ
بِتَعَسُّفِ الطُرُقِ المَخوفَه

7. They sold the trusteeship with treachery
And bought with security a carcass

٧. باعوا الأَمانَةَ بِالخِيا
نَةِ وَاِشتَرَوا بِالأَمنِ جيفَه

8. They tied the fats and wasted
Those frivolous trusts

٨. عَقَدوا الشُحومَ وَأَهزَلوا
تِلكَ الأَماناتِ السَخيفَه

9. The people's graves narrowed and their lofty palaces expanded
From every person of discipline, cognizance and wise opinions

٩. ضاقَت قُبورُ القَومِ وَاِت
تَسَعت قُصورُهُم المُنيفَه

10. An expert jurist who combined
The hadith to the jurisprudence of Abu Hanifa

١٠. مِن كُلِّ ذي أَدَبٍ وَمَع
رِفَة وَآراءٍ حَصيفَه

11. So there came to you one fitting to judge
With a beard above the office

١١. مُتفَقِّهٍ جَمَعَ الحَدي
ثَ إِلى قِياسِ أَبي حَنيفَه

12. He did not benefit from knowledge when
His transient world preoccupied him

١٢. فَأَتاكَ يَصلُحُ لِلقَضا
ءِ بِلِحيَةٍ فَوقَ الوَظيفَه

13. He forgot God and sought refuge
In weak means

١٣. لَم يَنتَفِع بِالعِلمِ إِذ
شَغَفَتهُ دُنياهُ الشَغوفَه

١٤. نَسِيَ الإِلَهَ وَلاذَ في
الدُنيا بِأَسبابٍ ضَعيفَه