1. No welcome to parting with Layla
Nor to old age when youth is banished
١. أَلا لا مَرحَباً بِفراقِ لَيلى
وَلا بِالشَيبِ إِذ طَرَدَ الشَبابا
2. Youthfulness passes commended and eld
Is detested - for both no companions found I
٢. شَبابٌ بانَ مَحموداً وَشَيبٌ
ذَميمٌ لَم نَجِد لَهُما اِصطِحابا
3. So youth is not yours and you are not its
If your beard of you color demands
٣. فَما مِنكَ الشَبابُ وَلَستَ مِنهُ
إِذا سَأَلَتكَ لِحيَتُكَ الخِضابا
4. Nor can old man hope for loves young delight
When his youth is gone and prime has taken flight
٤. وَما يَرجو الكَبيرُ مِنَ الغَواني
إِذا ذَهَبَت شَبيبَتُهُ وَشابا