
Still I keep offending constantly

مازلت أغرق في الإساءة دائبا

1. Still I keep offending constantly
And I receive forgiveness and pardon from you

١. مازِلتُ أَغرَقُ في الإِساءةِ دائِباً
وَيَنالُني مِنك العَفوُ وَالغُفرانُ

2. You meet good with evil, yet
Lies and slander from me appease you

٢. تُولي الجَميلَ عَلى القَبيحِ وَإِنَّما
يُرضيكَ مِنّي الزورُ وَالبُهتانُ

3. So it's as though with sin I seek pleasure
Since with you disobedience does not harm me

٣. فَكَأَنَّني بِالذَنبِ أَلتَمِسُ الرِضى
إِذ لَم يَضِرني عِندَك العِصيانُ