
I have given satisfaction to all people from my soul

أعطيت كل الناس من نفسي الرضا

1. I have given satisfaction to all people from my soul
Except for the envious one, for he has troubled me

١. أَعطَيتُ كُلَّ الناسِ مِن نَفسي الرِضا
إِلّا الحَسودَ فَإِنَّهُ أَعياني

2. Not that I have sinned against him I knew
But for manifesting the Blessing of the Merciful

٢. لا أَنَّ لي ذَنباً لَدَيهِ عَلِمتُه
إِلّا تَظاهُرَ نِعمَةِ الرَحمَنِ

3. He folds his rancor that fills him for he saw
In me the perfection of riches and eloquence

٣. يَطوي عَلى حَنَقٍ حَشاهُ لِأَن رَأى
عِندي كَمالَ غِنىً وَفَضلَ بَيانِ

4. I see nothing satisfies him except my humiliation
And loss of my money and cutting off my tongue

٤. ما إِن أَرى يُرضيهِ إِلّا ذِلَّتي
وَذَهابُ أَموالي وَقَطعُ لِساني

5. So I will seek the help of my Creator, Master of Creation
He suffices us against the devil

٥. فَسَأَستَعينُ بِخالِقي مَولى الوَرى
يَكفينا بِها مِنَ الشَيطانِ