
When the governor shuts his door

إذا اعتصم الوالي بإغلاق بابه

1. When the governor shuts his door
And turns away those with needs before his veil

١. إِذا اِعتَصَمَ الوالي بِإِغلاقِ بابِهِ
وَرَدَّ ذَوي الحاجاتِ دونَ حجابِهِ

2. I think him one of three, and perhaps
I tear away the veil with a thought hitting the mark

٢. ظَنَنتُ بِهِ إِحدى ثَلاثَ وَرُبَّما
نَزَعتُ بِظَنّ واقِع بِصَوابِهِ

3. So I say he has an obvious affliction of the eye
So in allowing people in, his affliction is revealed

٣. فَقُلتُ بِهِ مَسٌّ مِنَ العيِّ ظاهِر
فَفي إِذنِهِ لِلناسِ إِظهارُ ما بِهِ

4. But if there is no affliction of his tongue, then most likely
It is miserliness, guarding his money from seekers

٤. فَإِن لَم يَكُن عيُّ اللِسانِ فَغالِب
مِنَ البُخلِ يَحمي مالَهُ عَن طِلابِهِ

5. And if it is neither this nor that, then it is suspicion
He stubbornly harbors when shutting his door

٥. فَإِن لَم يَكُن هَذا وَلا ذا فَريبَةٌ
يُصِرُّ عَلَيها عِندَ إِغلاقِ بابِهِ