
The lad meets his brother and bosom friend

تلقى الفتى يلقى أخاه وخدنه

1. The lad meets his brother and bosom friend
In a tone of speech that cannot be forgiven

١. تَلقى الفَتى يَلقى أَخاهُ وَخِدنَهُ
في لَحنِ مَنطِقِهِ بِما لا يُغفَرُ

2. And says, I was joking and fooling around
Alas! Your fire spreads in the brushwood

٢. وَيَقولُ كُنتُ مُمازِحاً وَمُلاعِباً
هَيهاتَ نارُكَ في الحَشا تَتَسَعَّرُ

3. You ignited it and began to laugh heedlessly
Oblivious to the heart that breaks apart

٣. أَلهَبتَها وَطَفِقتَ تَضحَكُ لاهِياً
عَمّا بِهِ وَفُؤادُهُ يَتَفَطَّرُ

4. Or you did not know, and ignorance like yours prevails
That jest is the greatest blame

٤. أَو ما عَلِمتَ وَمِثلُ جَهلِكَ غالِبٌ
إِنَّ المِزاحَ هُوَ السِبابُ الأَكبَرُ