
When he gives a little, he gives grudgingly

إذا أعطاك قتر حين يعطي

1. When he gives a little, he gives grudgingly
Yet says, when he withholds, that fate has so decreed.

١. إِذا أَعطاكَ قَتَّرَ حينَ يُعطي
وَإِن لَم يُعطِ قالَ أَبى القَضاءُ

2. In ignorance and wrong, he does his Lord deny,
Contriving poor excuses for his greed.

٢. يُبَخِّلُ رَبَّهُ سَفَهاً وَظُلماً
وَيَعذِرُ نَفسَهُ فيما يَشاءُ

3. From good deeds turns away through foolishness,
Lest hardship or fatigue his rest impede.

٣. تَنَقَّلَ عَن فعالِ الخَيرِ جَهلاً
مَخافَةَ أَن يَضُرَّ بِهِ العَناءُ