
Do not praise a greedy brother with abundant wealth

لا تحمدن أخا حرص على سعة

1. Do not praise a greedy brother with abundant wealth
And look at him with the eyes of one who detests and disdains

١. لا تَحمَدَنَّ أَخا حِرصٍ عَلى سَعَةٍ
وَاِنظُر إِلَيهِ بِعَينِ الماقِتِ القالي

2. For the greedy one is preoccupied with his own misery
Distracted from joy by what money he contains

٢. إِنَّ الحريصَ لَمَشغولٌ بِشِقوَتِهِ
عَنِ السُرورِ بِما يَحوي مِنَ المالِ