
I will compel myself to forgive every sinner

سألزم نفسي الصفح عن كل مذنب

1. I will compel myself to forgive every sinner
Though his crimes against me may be immense

١. سَأُلزِمُ نَفسي الصَفحَ عَن كُلِّ مُذنِب
وَإِن كَثُرَت مِنهُ عَلَيَّ الجَرائِمُ

2. For people are but one of three kinds
Noble, ignoble, and like me holding on

٢. وَما الناسُ إِلّا واحِدٌ مِن ثَلاثَة
شَريفٌ وَمَشروفٌ وَمِثلي مُقاوِمُ

3. As for the one above me, I acknowledge his merit
And in him truth and right prevail and stay

٣. فَأَمّا الَّذي فَوقي فَأَعرِفُ فَضلَهُ
وَألزمُ فيهِ الحَقَّ وَالحَقُّ لازِمُ

4. And the one below, if he speaks, I shun his speech
And if he chides, no challenger appears

٤. وَأَمّا الَّذي دوني فَإِن قالَ صُنتُ عَن
مَقالَتِهِ نَفسي وَإِن لامَ لائِمُ

5. And the one my equal, if he errs or forgets
I pardon, for merit in the free is arbiter

٥. وَأَمّا الَّذي مِثلي فَإِن زَلَّ أَو هَفا
تَفَصَّلتُ إِنَّ الفَضلَ لِلحُرِّ حاكِمُ