
O Lord, wealth for someone other than its accumulator,

يا رب مال لغير من جمعه

1. O Lord, wealth for someone other than its accumulator,
And crops for someone other than its planter.

١. يا رُبَّ مالٍ لِغَيرِ مَن جَمَعَه
وَرُبَّ زَرعٍ لِغَيرِ مَن زَرَعَه

2. Stinginess does not enrich the stingy one,
Nor does greed satisfy the greedy.

٢. لَيسَ مَعَ البُخل لِلبَخيلِ غِنىً
وَلا مَعَ الحِرصِ لِلحَريصِ دَعَه

3. So be moderate wherever your mind leads you.
Moderation and integrity go hand in hand.

٣. فَكُن مَعَ القَصدِ حَيثُ مالَ بِكَ ال
عَقلُ إِلى القَصدِ فَالسَدادُ مَعَه

4. He who contends with fate in its ups and downs
And deceives ignorance will be deceived.

٤. مَن صادَفَ الدَهرُ في تَصَرُّفِهِ
وَرامَ لِلجَهلِ خُدعَةً خَدَعَه