
You lied, and he who lies, his recompense

كذبت ومن يكذب فإن جزاءه

1. You lied, and he who lies, his recompense
Is that when he speaks truth he finds no credence.

١. كَذَبتَ وَمَن يَكذِب فَإِنَّ جَزاءهُ
إِذا ما أَتى بِالصِدقِ أَلا يُصَدَّقا

2. When known as liar, though he speak the fact,
Men pay no heed to aught he voices or acts.

٢. إِذا عُرِفَ الكَذّابُ بِالكِذبِ لَم يَكُن
لَدى الناسِ ذا صِدقٍ وَإِن كانَ صادِقا

3. And of the ills that come from lying, one
Is weakening memory of lies he's spun,

٣. وَمِن آفَةِ الكَذّابِ نِسيانُ كِذبِه
وَتَلقاهُ ذا حِفظٍ إِذا كانَ حاذِقا