
I'm astonished by one who flees from the fire

عجبت من هارب يخاف من النار

1. I'm astonished by one who flees from the fire
Yet sleeps as he flees

١. عَجِبتُ مِن هارِبٍ يَخافُ مِنَ الن
نارِ وَمِن نَومِهِ عَلى هربِه

2. And one who seeks the path to Paradise
How can he sleep from seeking it?

٢. وَالَّذي يَطلُبُ السَبيلَ إِلى الجَنَّة
أَنّى يَنامُ عَن طَلَبِهِ

3. And how many fools have gained their want
While the refined are worn out by their manners

٣. وَكَم جَهولٌ قَد نالَ بُغيَتَه
وَمِن أَديبٍ أَكدى عَلى أَدَبِه

4. And many who weep have missed their need
Yet in missing there is deliverance from ruin

٤. وَرُبَّ باكٍ فَواتَ حاجَتِه
وَفي الفَواتِ النَجاةُ مِن عَطَبِه