
When grey hairs impose on youthful locks

إذا ما الشيب جار على الشباب

1. When grey hairs impose on youthful locks
Hurry and make mistakes in your counts

١. إِذا ما الشَيبُ جارَ عَلى الشَبابِ
فَعاجِلهُ وَغالِط في الحِسابِ

2. And say, no welcome to you, my guest
And torment him with all kinds of torments

٢. وَقُل لا مَرحَباً بِكَ مِن نَزيلٍ
وَعَذِّبهُ بِأَنواعِ العَذابِ

3. With plucking or cutting each day
And sometimes with hated dye

٣. بِنَتفٍ أَو بِقَصّ كُلّ يَومٍ
وَأَحياناً بِمَكروهِ الخِضابِ

4. If he does not yield and comes in due time
Say in the expanse of a house and proximity

٤. فَإِن هُوَ لَم يحر وَأَتى لِوَقتٍ
فَقُل في رُحبِ دارٍ وَاِقتِرابِ

5. And do not expose him except with goodness
Even if he transcends the rift of youth

٥. وَلا تَعرِض لَهُ إِلّا بِخَيرٍ
وَإِن عَدّى عَلى شَرخِ الشَبابِ

6. Take the grey hairs their bundles and race ahead
And release the reins of your mount to depart

٦. وَخُذ لِلشَيبِ أُهبَتَهُ وَبادِر
وَخَلِّ عِنانَ رَحلِكَ لِلذهابِ

7. The caravan has indeed moved on while you
Walk at the forefront of the riders

٧. فَقَد جَدَّ الرَحيلُ وَأَنتَ مِمَّن
يَسيرُ عَلى مُقَدِّمَةِ الرِكابِ