
Let not the victor of greed overcome you

لا يغلبنك غالب الحرص

1. Let not the victor of greed overcome you
And know that people are flawed

١. لا يَغلِبَنَّكَ غالِبُ الحِرصِ
وَاِعلَم بِأَنَّ الناسَ في نَقصِ

2. Tolerate your brother for his pretense
For many who expose are exposed in turn

٢. وَالبس أَخاكَ عَلى تَصَنُّعِه
فَلَرُبَّ مُفتَضِحٍ عَلى النَصِّ

3. I almost trusted my brother
But I condemned the consequences of distrust

٣. ما كِدتُ أَفحَصُ عَن أَخي ثِقَة
إِلّا ذَمَمتُ عَواقِبَ الفَحصِ