
By your life! The youth knows not how he may guard himself

لعمرك ما يدري الفتى كيف يتقي

1. By your life! The youth knows not how he may guard himself
Against the strokes of time, nor what he should beware;

١. لَعَمرُكَ ما يَدري الفَتى كَيفَ يَتَّقي
نَوائِبَ هَذا الدَهرِ أَم كَيفَ يحذرُ

2. He sees a thing that he should fear, and fears it,
Yet that which God should guard him from is greater.

٢. يَرى الشَيءَ مِمّا يَتَّقي فَيَخافُهُ
وَما لا يَرى مِمّا يَقي اللَهُ أَكبَرُ

3. I see myself alive among the living, yet
To time I’m but a dead man whom time has betrayed;

٣. أَراني مَعَ الأَحياءِ حَيّاً وَأَكثَري
عَلى الدَهرِ مَيتٌ قَد تَخَوَّنَهُ الدَهرُ

4. So what of me is dead when part of me still lives?
And part to part is as the grave to what decays.

٤. فَما لَم يَمُت مِنّي لِما ماتَ مَيِّتٌ
وَبَعضٌ لِبَعضٍ قَبلَ قَبرِ البِلى قَبرُ

5. O Lord, well did you begin with me, and call me back,
Yet thanks rise not for your great beneficence;

٥. فَيا رَبِّ قَد أَحسَنتَ بَدءاً وَعودَةً
إِلَيَّ فَلَم يَنهَض بِإِحسانِكَ الشُكرُ

6. If one has cause with you, and argument,
My cause is but confession that I have no cause.

٦. فَمَن كانَ ذا عُذرٍ لَدَيكَ وَحُجَّةٍ
فَعُذرِيَ إِقراري بِأَن لَيسَ لي عُذرُ