
You enjoyed every vain thing in the world,

تلذذت في الدنيا بكل طريفة

1. You enjoyed every vain thing in the world,
Though they are also completely forbidden.

١. تَلَذَّذتَ في الدُنيا بِكُلِّ طَريفَةٍ
عَلى أَنَّها أَيضاً حَرامٌ مُحَرَّمُ

2. And you wish for the Gardens of Eternity; how evil
Is what you reckon about the One who judges this and rules!

٢. وَتأملُ جَنّاتِ الخُلودِ لَبِئسَما
تُقَدِّرُ مَن يَقضي بِهَذا وَيَحكُمُ

3. If the judgement of God comes out like this,
Then you are more generous toward God than Yahya.

٣. لَئِن كانَ حُكمُ اللَهِ يَخرُجُ هَكَذا
فَإِنَّكَ مِن يَحيى عَلى اللَهِ أَكرَمُ

4. When it is said "Who judges this?", say to him,
And extend to him in your voice: "Be patient, be patient!"

٤. إِذا قيلَ مَن يَقضي بِهَذا فَقُل لَهُ
وَمُدَّ لَهُ في الصَوتِ يَحلُمُ يَحلُمُ