
If what you hoped for has passed you by

أإن فات ما كنت أملته

1. If what you hoped for has passed you by
Do not grieve, for what can grief achieve?

١. أَإِن فاتَ ما كُنتَ أَمَّلتَهُ
جَزِعتَ وَماذا يَرُدُّ الجَزَع

2. Entrust all matters unto God
For only what He wills will be

٢. فَفَوِّض إِلى اللَهِ كُلَّ الأُمورِ
فَلَيسَ يَكونُ سِوى ما صَنَع

3. And let not the turning of time deceive you
For time is full of many tricks

٣. وَلا يَخدَعَنَّكَ صَرفُ الزَمان
فَإِنَّ الزَمانَ كَثيرُ الخُدَع