
The noble one has increased the number of nobles

قد زاد في عدد الكرام كريم

1. The noble one has increased the number of nobles
Pure and frank among the nobles, an intimate

١. قَد زادَ في عَدَدِ الكِرامِ كَريمُ
مَحضٌ صَريحٌ في الكِرامِ ضَميمُ

2. Of lofty status, he remains as if he is
A companion to glory and its pillar

٢. عالي المَحِلَّةِ لا يَزالُ كَأَنَّهُ
لِلعِزِّ قَرنٌ وَالسِماكِ نَديمُ

3. By his command enchantments revolve
His states and by his affair glorifications

٣. فَلِأَمرِهِ التَتميمُ كَيفَ تَصَرَّفَت
حالاتُهُ وَلِشَأنِهِ التَفخيمُ

4. So receive good news, for the day you gained him
You got a share in making eternal joy supreme

٤. فَاِبشِر فَقَد وافاكَ يَومَ رَزَقتَهُ
حَظٌّ بِتَخليدِ السُرورِ زَعيمُ

5. A branch that time has undertaken to grow
Until time turns around and he is most mature

٥. فَرعٌ تَكَفَّلَ دَهرُهُ بِنَمائِهِ
حَتّى يَكُرُّ الدَهرُ وَهُوَ أَروَمُ

6. Verily the crescent becomes a full moon
And it dispels the night's obstruction and it is shining

٦. إِنَّ الهِلالَ يَصيرُ بَدراً كامِلاً
وَيَهُدُّ سَدَّ اللَيلِ وَهوَ بَهيمُ

7. And he is the eminent one when his face appears
And tomorrow when the Almighty appears, mighty

٧. وَهُوَ الوَجيهُ إِذا تَبَدّى وَجهُهُ
وَغَداً إِذا نَزَلَ العَظيمُ عَظيمُ

8. A face like the illumination of gardens and beneath it
A people envied by the prairie winds and sheltering

٨. وَجهٌ كَتَنويرِ الرِياضِ وَتَحتَهُ
خَلقٌ لِمَحسودِ الرِياحِ وَخيمُ

9. So for his family an ingrained glory
And with them a glory pervading all

٩. فَلِأَهلِهِ شَرَفٌ بِهِ مُتَوَطِدٌ
وَلَدَيهِمُ شَرَفٌ أَشَمُّ عَميمُ

10. So delight an eye with him, for his traits
Are pure, smooth or can be called a soft breeze

١٠. فَاِقرَر بِهِ عَيناً فَإِنَّ خِلالَهُ
تَصفو وَتَسلُسُ أَو يُقالُ نَسيمُ

11. And for his resolve at critical times when
His peers raced and for his precedence glorifications

١١. وَلِحِدِّهِ التَصميمُ حينَ تَلاحَقَت
أَقرانُهُ وَلِشَأوِهِ التَقديمُ