
Immortality has been revealed to you from what you love

تجلى لك الإملاك عما تحبه

1. Immortality has been revealed to you from what you love
For you have elucidated essence with alchemy

١. تَجَلّى لَكَ الإِملاكُ عَمّا تُحِبُّهُ
فَإِنَّكَ قَد فَصَّلتَ بِالتِبرِ جَوهَرا

2. And made it for eternity a detailed necklace
And released it perfumed in the horizon

٢. فَصَيَّرتَهُ لِلدَهرِ عَقداً مُفَصَّلاً
وَطَيَّرتَهُ في الأُفقِ نَشراً مُعَطَّرا

3. It is the blessing that did not deprive you of a beloved who approached
Or an enemy who receded or a hardship that eased

٣. هُوَ اليُمنُ لَم يُعدِمكَ مَحبوبَةً دَنَت
وَمَكروهَةً شَطَّت وَصَعباً تَيَسَّرا