
I have been afflicted with separation and poverty and need

بليت بهجران وفقر وفاقة

1. I have been afflicted with separation and poverty and need
And many claims and heavy debts

١. بُليتُ بِهِجرانٍ وَفَقرٍ وَفاقَةٍ
وَكَثرَةِ حاجاتٍ وَثِقلِ دُيونِ

2. But the greatest is that fate treats me harshly
As I stand at the doors of those beneath me

٢. وَأَعظَمُها أَنَّ الزَمانَ يَسومُني
وُقوفاً عَلى أَبوابِ مَن هُوَ دوني