
Spring unveiled upon us

جلى الربيع علينا

1. Spring unveiled upon us
Maidens in the bloom of youth

١. جَلى الرَبيعُ عَلَينا
كَواعِباً أَبكارا

2. Crowned with carnelian gems
Adorned in daytime finery

٢. مُتَوَّجاتٍ عَقيقاً
مُسَوَّراتٍ نَهارا

3. You see they have rosebuds
And veils for their adornment

٣. تَرى لَهُنَّ مِنَ الوَر
دِ شَوذَراً وَخِمارا

4. He brought us jewel-bright gifts
That dazzle all eyes

٤. أَهدى لَنا جَوهَراتٍ
تُحَيِّرُ الأَبصارا

5. O beauty of red and yellow
You show embers and flame

٥. يا حُسنَ حُمرٍ وَصُفرٍ
تُريكَ جَمراً وَنارا

6. That redness flowed away
That yellow paled

٦. قَد راقَ ذاكَ اِحمِرارا
وَراعَ ذاكَ اِصفِرارا

7. And this became carnelian
And that fresh and verdant

٧. وَخِلتَ هَذا عَقيقاً
وَخِلتَ ذاكَ نِضارا

8. And that aromatic myrrh
And that healing fragrance

٨. وَذاكَ شَهداً مُشارا
وَذاكَ راحاً عِقارا

9. If it only stayed perfect
I would have composed an ode

٩. لَو كانَ يَبقى سَليماً
نَظَمتُهُ تِقصارا