
A joy that stays, it does not leave

سرور يقيم ولا يرحل

1. A joy that stays, it does not leave
A bounty, its latter is its first

١. سرورٌ يقيمُ ولا يرحل
ونعماءُ آخرُها أَوَّلُ

2. A fortune persisting, not ending
A bliss appearing, not setting

٢. ويُمنٌ يدومُ ولا ينقضي
وسعدٌ يلوحُ ولا يأفلُ

3. You have excelled, surpassed the clouds' rain
The finest of all is the generous giver

٣. فضلتَ وأفضَلتَ سَومَ السحابِ
وخيرُ الورى الفاضِلُ المُفضِلُ

4. The open-handed has a refuge
The wise mind has a fortress

٤. وجُودُ الكريمِ له جُنَّةٌ
وعَقلُ اللبيبِ له مَعقِلُ

5. From wealth, its owner takes
Only what he eats and gains

٥. وليس لذي المالِ من مالِهِ
سوى ما يُنيلُ وما يأكلُ

6. Wealth is no wealth to the hoarder
But wealth to the spender and giver

٦. وما المالُ مالٌ لمَن يقتني
ولكنَّهُ مالُ من يبذلُ

7. Toil resists what is feared
Toil attains what is hoped

٧. وبالجِدِّ يُدفَعُ ما يتقى
وبالجد يُدرَكُ ما يؤمَلُ

8. And poverty kept accompanying
The lazy and the waverer

٨. ولم يزلِ الفَقرُ مستصحِباً
لِمَن يتوانى ومن يكسَلُ

9. If people were one kin
The best of traces would be the finest of them

٩. إذا الناسُ كانوا بني واحدٍ
فأجملُهُم أثراً أفضَلُ