1. Face good with a noble spirit,
Above what displeases the land's observer.
١. فَاِستَقبِلِ الخَيرَ في نَجيبٍ
عَمّا يَعيبُ الوَرى نَزيهِ
2. A daytime sun and a nightly full moon
Have power over the eyes of its viewer.
٢. شَمسُ نَهارٍ وَبَدرُ لَيلٍ
يَملِكُ أَبصارَ ناظِريهِ
3. It fills them with delight whenever
It uncovers its glorious face.
٣. يَملَأُها بَهجَةً إِذا ما
كَشَّفَ عَن وَجهِهِ الوَجيهِ
4. I was granted it complete and sound,
Though the faults of its detractors abound.
٤. رُزِقتُهُ كامِلاً سَوِيّاً
تَكثُرُ عِلّاتُ عائِبيهِ
5. Sweet, delicious fruit to pick
That comes within reach of the picker.
٥. جَنىً لَذيذُ المَذاقِ حُلوٌ
يَقرُبُ مِن كَفِّ مُجتَنيهِ
6. And from little does it become bountiful,
To the misery of insisting naggers.
٦. وَعَن قَليلٍ يَصيرُ شَهماً
يَشقى بِهِ جَدُّ كاشِحيهِ
7. Oh live then in the safeguard of grace
Until you see grey hair on your progeny.
٧. أَلا فَعِش في ضَمانِ خَيرٍ
حَتّى تَرى الشَيبَ مِن بَنيهِ