1. Do you not see the death of the eminent and the virtuous
And how the star sets between the tents
١. أَلَستَ تَرى مَوتَ العُلا وَالفَضائِلِ
وَكَيفَ غُروبُ النَجمِ بَينَ الجَنادِلِ
2. So why did death overlook all the deficient
And searched the horizons for every superior
٢. فَما لِلمَنايا أَغفَلَت كُلَّ ناقِصٍ
وَنَقَّبنَ في الآفاقِ عَن كُلِّ فاضِلِ
3. Despite the noses of the high-minded towards demise
With every generous deed and noble traits
٣. عَلى الرَغمِ مِن أَنفِ العُلاسيقَ لِلرَدى
بِكُلِّ كَريمِ الفِعلِ حُرِّ الشَمائِلِ
4. Except that whoever it kept is not eternal
And no man hopes for immortality sensibly
٤. عَلى أَنَّ مَن أَبقَتهُ لَيسَ بِخالِدٍ
وَلَيسَ اِمرُؤٌ يَرجو الخُلودَ بِعاقِلِ
5. I saw death amidst one who moves and one who rests
So why did it differentiate between one who is awake and one who sleeps
٥. رَأَيتُ المَنايا بَينَ غادٍ وَرائِحٍ
فَما لِلبَرايا بَينَ ساهٍ وَغافِلِ
6. And I did not see a more harmful lover than this world
Nor anything as false as death
٦. وَلَم أَرَ كَالدُنيا حَبيباً مَضَرَّةً
وَلَم أَرَ مِثلَ المَوتِ حَقّاً كَباطِلِ